Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Let sleeping polor bears lie...
Let sleeping polor bears lie...

Found this photo hilarious! Had to share.

Day off, got the oil changed (in my car, still need to change the oil in my squeeky shoulder) ate a quick dinner with dad and YOLA and Dave. Yola cooked, she probably didn't mean to make Dave ill, but she did. See, Dave is allergic to mushrooms, and he started eating his stuffed piece of meat before he saw them. He stopped, but it was too late and we had to stop at Walgreens for Benadryl. Were headed elsewhere than home. It was good, but I was not sure exactly what type of meat it was. It was pan fried and breaded and had lots of flavors, so I was able to eat it. Quite the opposite with Dave. And he was so polite, could not even tell her that he couldn't eat it.
They just got back from this great trip parts of the western US I never got to see, nor probably ever will. Its also the trip mom wanted him to take her on. Not that it was possible for him to do it, but dammit man, show some respect.

On a good note, finally got to watch Grey's and ER and Earl and Desperate Housewives. Did she really shoot her husband? I can't believe Abby had to have a hysterectomy, although I saw it coming since the season finale last time. I just love Abby so much. And I could lay on the floor next to Izzy all night... Crying is good, helps me in the mourning process. I have to feel to heal, I truly feel that way.

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