Sunday, November 12, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

Its a zoo at my house
Its a zoo at my house

See these dogs? They are my Dad's dogs. Since Dad is on vacation, I have these two, plus my own Jack Russell and a cat and a hamster and a boyfriend. Its a zoo.

Daisy is the Bishon. She is sweet, adopted with some health issues by my parents, she battles obesity and diabetes. We have to feed her a special diet and give her a shot after she eats. Then we get to test her urine. That's right, Dave or I get to hold a tiny strip under her and hope we get pee on it. Sounds like fun, huh? She is a sweetheart, though, and I would not trade her for the world.

Rugby is a Lhasa Peke, one of those designer mutts. He looks like an ewok to me. He is the only boy dog, and has the energy of a puppy still. Sometimes we call him the flying squirrel. You would get it if you saw him in action.

Abby, the Jack Russell, came with Dave. She may be 8, but she is a Jack Russell, which means hyperactive.

So Abby and Rugby run around while Daisy either lays and watches, or tries to keep up.

Poor Phoebe (the cat) is keeping up and out of the way most of the time. She thinks Rugby wants to eat her. Rugby probably just wants to play, like the crazy boy dog he is.

On my desk is a picture of Tony Shaloub, Emmy winner. My friend Betty snapped it on the red carpet at the Emmys and gave me a copy! He actually turned to wave at her despite the "no camera" rule. Way to go Tony! Special thanks to Betty for giving me one of her treasures. New episodes of Monk return January. Now why I put Tony Shaloub in with the zoo article? Monk(ey) maybe?

Oh, the hamster. He is probably the best behaved of them all, and he is the one who isn't fixed!

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