Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My sister came to visit! Yeah!
My sister came to visit!  Yeah!

Today was quite a day. Emotional to say the least. Megan called and woke me up at like 11am. Now if you know me, that is like the earliest I get up. So, being glad that I took a shower last night, I agreed to meet them for brunch ASAP. Megan, my cousin Ashley, and my Aunt Robin all arrived at Butterfield's Restaurant much later than me. (Well it felt like it when I just got up and started drinking coffee only after arriving at the restaurant.)

Breakfast was had by all. It was terrific, and I highly reccomend the joint. If you like smooties, you haven't lived until you have had one from Butterfield's. Mom used to have a smootie and bowl of soup for a meal. Favorite location. Anyways...

After our meal, we went to do something I could not do alone. Go through a lot of Mom's stuff. Who wants what, what is this, what can we move where for the meantime, this should go to so-and-so, etc. Mom chose me to be executor of her estate, but there was no way I was going to go through all that stuff alone. We barely got through her room, and a lot is still left, but we got condensed to one closet for now, mostly. We haven't even touched the basement stuff. It was quite emotional. So many tears. Becky showed up too. Dave was resident dog wrangler and car loader. Becky and Dave were mom's special elves, and became part of the family throughout the whole ordeal.

Time went by way too fast, and before we knew it Megan and Becky had to go. We took the time to say a prayer, praise to the Lord for where we are, and hope for our future.

Thank God for church! Dave and I would have been so down if it wasn't for the great folks at CCC.

Ok, gotta run the dogs down. Such is my life!

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