Monday, March 31, 2008

Another allegory

In agriculture and gardening, transplanting is the technique of moving a plant from one location to another. Most often this takes the form of starting a plant from seed in optimal conditions, such as in a greenhouse or protected nursery bed, then replanting it in another, usually outdoor, growing location. Botanical transplants are used infrequently and carefully because they carry with them a significant risk of killing the plant.

Transplanting has a variety of applications, including:

  • extending the growing season by starting plants indoors, before outdoor conditions are favorable;
  • protecting young plants from diseases and pests until they are sufficiently established
  • avoiding germination problems by setting out seedlings instead of direct seeding.
Different species and varieties react differently to transplanting; for some, it is not recommended. In all cases, avoiding transplant shock is the principal concern. Plants raised in protected conditions usually need a period of acclimatization, known as hardening off. Also, root disturbance should be minimized. The stage of growth at which transplanting takes place, the weather conditions during transplanting, and treatment immediately after transplanting are other important factors.

What this article doesn't say is that some plants will not grow if they cannot be transplanted. You ever see sheets of plants from the plant store that wither and die? They never got a new home. They outgrew their little plastic containers, they ate up all of their nutrients.

Sometimes when you feel like you are floating in the middle of nowhere, perhaps God has pulled you out of your dinky pot for a reason. Perhaps he is going to be planting you in better soil, in a bigger container...

God wants you to grow, God wants you to produce, and He knows you can't do that where you are. Yes, it is scary... Trust that the Master Gardener knows what He is doing, allowing you to grow and bear more fruit.

Friday, March 28, 2008

God you blow my mind

Just when I think I am about to get something good, you absolutely blow my mind. You have defied all expectations. You always do.

When you trust God in a little, he provides a little. When you trust God in a lot, he provides a lot. When you trust God in everything, he blows your mind.

God, my mind is blown.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.

I am trusting in you to provide all I need to deal with your blessings!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

To all of my dear friends:

Seems like I get so busy sometimes. I have a million things in my head and I get so distracted. I am trying to be more intentional about the people in my life.

I have good people on my side, praying for me, helping me, coaching me, being my friend.

Thank you for being there. I don't think life would be the same without you.

I think of you often. I wonder how you are, what you are doing. I am praying for your well being and general happiness. I am missing you, I am loving you, I am looking forward to seeing you again. Sometimes seeing your smiles can change my day for the better.

I really don't see you or talk to you as much as I should. You don't see me or talk to me as much as you should either. What can we say, life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Know this... you are in my heart always, no matter how far apart. Let us spend some real time together, real soon! May God be with you always...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Weigh in ending week 9

Weight loss this week 2.6 lbs.
Total loss 26 lbs.

If I lose one more pound, I will hit my 10 percent weight loss goal.

Mamma wants an ipod baby! Too bad I can't afford one.

Maybe if I start saving now, then when I get down to the next 10 percent it can be my reward.

Jesus reaches out via Windows, is not a Mac user

Apparantly, even Jesus is doing His own evangelizing. Some woman in Oregon claims that the image of Jesus appeared to her on the window during a difficult time in her life and helped her to get through. Yet, she is not a Christian. She said "The fact that this image has come into a non-Christian household says, you know what, it’s OK that you’re not Christian – I’m still there."

Read the article here.

Yeah, Jesus is there for you if you ask. However, she is trying to sell this window on E-bay for $10,000. Makes you wonder.

The interesting fact in all of this, is that she yearned for Jesus so much that she decided this leaky window was showing His image.

Who do you know who really needs to know Jesus? Introduce them to the real thing, not just some steam on a window. Show them love, let them ask more.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Let Go

I grew up under a tight leash. I had to do things my mom's way or my mom's way. No getting around it.
What it bugging me now is that I am seeing myself be her. I see how others clean my house, and get upset they forgot this or that, or angry even.

I yell back at myself, "well, if you want it done right, you do it!"

Yeah, that totally defeats the purpose of my "outsourcing" to save me time and help out my friend who is not doing well financially.

I realize that I never let go of that leash.

God, I am gonna need your help. See, I have this screwed up idea in my head of how things should be, but that doesn't mean that is how things are. Help me to accept the things that I cannot change. Help me to let go of the leash and spend more of my energy focused on things that matter.

I need serenity right now God, grant this to me please in the name of your Son Christ Jesus, AMEN!

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sun is out and I am happy

Nothing brings me down more than gray days. I don't care that it is not 70, or even 60. Heck, I am from Chicago where 40 is warm. I will take it! As long as the sun is shining!


Which makes me think that the SON is going to shine on Sunday/Sonday as this is HOLY week. The week we celebrate Jesus's death and resurrection. The death part is cool, because that is where He took on all of my sins. The resurrection part is awesome because that means that I have life again through Christ. I have been adopted by a King through the blood of my Lamb!


(never mind the fact that I have to work on Easter, I still praise HIM!!!)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Better Late than Never

Weigh in was good.

Down 4.2 lbs.

Total loss 23.6

No, I don't have photos yet... I am only5-10 lbs below my wedding weight, so you might not notice yet. Might take some when I hit my 10 percent goal (which is soon!) Or, I might have to go to my 12 week mark, or just never... ha ha ha....

I will eventually, but not yet. I am using the photos from Mom's memorial for my before... Man oh man are they bad. I am still in my regular size clothes, but not tight, they are a little loose.

When you have a lot to lose, you would be amazed how hard it is to change sizes.

I think I might do my measurements soon to see how far THAT has come...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

All day with Dave

Saturday was one of the longest days ever. It was also one of the bestest days ever. Dave and I started out at Brady Spring Family Fun Day, helping kids to make flowers by tracing their hands onto felt, cutting it out and then using pipe cleaners to put it all together. We even helped a few parents to do so. It was fun, but we don't want to see felt and pipe cleaners for a long time.

After running home to let out the dog and grab a bite, we headed to the Box. Dave got to run cameras for the service and I greeted with a smile, handing out our new Connection Cards. Dave and I got surprise gifts from our friend Deb! (Thanks Deb!)

What amazes me is how many friends Dave and I have made since coming to the church. It has been 2 years, and there are soooo many hugs to be had. They help me get through the week.

When our duties were done, Dave and I filed into the Icon Theatre for the closing showing of "Love Notes." See, we had a "date night" and this was our time. Yes, we had already been at the box for 4 hours, but the next two slipped by like nothing. We sat side by side, holding hands and laughing, holding hands and snuggling, all while being entertained by wonderful excerpts from different plays and musicals. What we really enjoyed was seeing the chemistry on stage of the married couples that we know. While they were playing characters, we saw their true love shining through. It made us glad inside.

Then we headed off to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. The Roadhouse has become one of our favorite restaurants. They have awesome steaks at very reasonable prices. Seeing as I am on WW now, I got the 6 oz sirloin, instead of the 12 oz ribeye. Dave still got the ribeye. They were delicious.

We hurried home to the joy of Abby who was disappointed we did not have a doggy bag. (Do you blame us? That was some good steak!) We watched a movie that my friend loaned me (like a month ago, sorry it took so long!) Finally we slept, and we slept hard. You would too after 5 hours sleep and a 17 hour day.

Today the sun is out. Thank you God for the sunshine!

Friday, March 14, 2008

I need to laugh.

Check out these hi-larious websites for silly kitty and silly doggy laughs.

You can even make your own and vote on others. Send me some via email! I would love it!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Did someone say spring?

I cannot wait until I don't have to wear a coat. Yesterday I did not, and my co-worker asked where my coat was. I wanted to say, are you crazy, its like 40 degrees out? But I just said I don't have one today.

I am hungry for warmth, hungry for sunshine.

I wanna play!

No more sitting here looking outside panting...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bad weigh in...

Weighed in +o.8 lbs this week.

So, do I continue on the same ol rocky path full of potholes? NO! I will be paying closer attention to my points and joining a gym. But not like the old gym I belonged to. This one is cheaper, closer, and not full of muscle heads. AND Dave is coming too! Wish us luck!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Stressed much?

Considering I did my taxes this week, and personal things are getting to a boil, I wonder why I have been stressed?

Taxes, even though we are getting a rebate, are stressful in and of themselves. This time of year everyone walks around with the "taxes" face every once and while.

The funny thing is that I just keep getting stressed out about stuff that is totally out of my control. I mean what does it matter how someone else handles their money to me? It is NONE of my business if someone else tithes to the Kingdom or not. Yet it runs around in my head constantly. I think I am focusing on someone else's issues to keep my mind off of my own.

See, in the end it must all come down to trust. I am getting mad at someone else for not trusting God, and yet here I am getting totally stressed because that is exactly what I am not doing. I have a bunch of things that are going on in the "this is gonna happen...soon" stage and I am stressed about things I don't know. I have to put my trust into God's hands. I have to say, Lord I don't know what it is you have planned for me but it must be good, for YOU are good. You have never failed me Lord, why should I question now?

Then I quip back at myself. Its not God that I don't trust, it is me. I don't trust how I am going to handle things. Yet again, am I failing to trust that God will get me through it?

See how this cycle will never end?

Help me Lord, help me God! You are good, and I KNOW what you have planned for me is good, and I know that you won't give it to me until I can handle it. Help me to rid myself of this stress, and focus on YOU and ME and keep my nose and mind off of others.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Setting goals that matter

I came to a realization over the weekend, and I really let is settle in, and I announced to my group yesterday my plans.

See, people have asked me how much I want to lose, and being that it is over 100 lbs, I can get overwhelmed.

My heart really wants something better for me.

My heart wants the wind in my face, the sun on my shoulders, and to be healthy enough to run.

That is right folks, after "hating" joggers my whole life I realized why. I was jealous. I have never been able to run. I want to run. I want to be able to run a mile without dying or feeling close to dying. I want to run with my friends. I want to do The Kingdom 5K that our church sponsors. I want to be free! I want to be able to keep up with my future kids.

Will you help me? Will you pray for me? God, help me to be able to run!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


DUDE!!!! The total weight loss for me has hit 20 lbs EXACTLY! After 6 weeks!

The weigh in was a loss of 2.2 lbs.

Abby has been going with me to WW meetings. Of course she stays in the car. This is not a picture of Abby, but very similar expression when I told her I lost another 2.2 lbs. (okay the expression was because I came back to the car, she could care less about weight loss)

I thought I did horribly. I thought I maybe put on a few lbs or didn't lose at all. The truth of the matter is a cheezy AA slogan, but it is so true:

"IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT, SO WORK IT CUZ IT WORKS!" or something like that.

You know what I will be doing? Workin' it!

Monday, March 3, 2008

the money crunch

Sometimes problems can just seems so overwhelming. I know right now I am just praying and praying that my tax rebate is going to get me through this rough time financially.

The whole nation is starting to feel the crunch.

Americans are bad at handling money.

Warren Buffet just said we are in a recession. America is borrowing money from China to boost our economy! What the heck folks!?!?!

I find that I need to strap down my spending, and now, before I head back into serious debt!

Especially with what is going on in my life, I need to be more mindful of the thing I would rather ignore right now. We all do.

God, help us to all get through this very rough time, and come out stronger because of it. Help us to make wise decisions that honor you.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's okay

I forgive you.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Handed the keys - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Have you ever been handed the keys to someone else's car? It either means that they trust you immensely or their car is a piece of junk. I remember when I was a kid how my grandmother taught me to start her car for her. I thought it was the most awesome thing being able to do that. I could turn the key, I was a big girl. She trusted me with something little, and I ended up inheriting that very car. (Thank you to my folks who kept it running until I turned 16!)

Someone just handed me the keys to something. Not literally, but figuratively. To me that is so awesome. I was thinking how no one ever really trusted me to do something like that before, and how things just keep happening and I keep finding myself being trusted, or handed the keys, more and more.

See, I am also mature enough to realize that I didn't really deserve that until recently. That makes me feel just as good.

This month I turn 2 on the 19th. I really am living a resurrection life, and loving it all the way. Thanks Jesus.