Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Dad's gonna get hitched... again.
Dad's gonna get hitched... again.

How can I maintain any semblence of peace over this? Dad's wedding is Saturday! Simple, by the GRACE OF GOD.

God doesn't ask us to judge others, he asks us to love others, and leave the judging up to Him. That seems really hard sometimes, but I have to have faith in this, God has always been faithful so far. He is the One who will never let me down. I have a perfect Father in God, I can just love my imperfect, human father just the way he is.

It took me a while to get to this, but my sister and I had a great talk, and once again she reminded me how she pulled me out of the sea of loneliness, so we can be a family together again. I will never again be alone here on earth, and I also have a place secured in Heaven. Pretty neat if you ask me.

God gave me a new life, he forgave me my sins. How can I not forgive others who have hurt me in the past? I am on a quest to know Him more and more each day. Every time He reveals a bit of Himself to me I am totally amazed. Everytime I follow His heart and do His will, my soul is afire. I can do nothing but praise Him for the past year of growth in my life, and I am confident that He is my Savior, my Dragon-slayer. Through Jesus, nothing is impossible.

So, in a wierd way, I am looking forward to a celebration of His love in my father's new marraige. I pray that all intentions are good, and hearts won't be broken... but it is not in my hands anymore. Thank you Christ.

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