Sunday, November 12, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Jehovah-jireh: The Lord Provides!

I was missing mom like crazy yesterday. No one else on earth is MOM. You just cannot get comfort from people like you do from Mom. Or, can you?

I could not stop crying yesterday. Every little thing got to me. I was so mad at my father and missed my mom so much. I blabbed everything to Dave on the phone. He did not know what to say, but he listened and let me spill my guts and cry. He also did a one up on me. He had his mom call me. It is so cool to be offered someone else's mom. She said that she may not be my mom, but she was A mom, and she would be there for me. I love that woman so much!

I also divulged my heart in an email to a friend. This friend is rather new, but I have been called to be friends with her by God. Sure enough, today I check my email and BAM, she said exactly what I needed to hear.

Then I got to work. I was checking some paperwork when a woman from another department walked by. She asked if I was feeling better. She must have seen me cry yesterday. She offered me a hug. That hug felt so good.

The last story is a guy. I walked up on a co-worker to check on him. Just at the right time he said. He was struggling with life issues, anger, dissapointment and other things. We talked a bit and then I said a prayer for the both of us. Later I wrote him some encouraging words out of the Bible.

The Lord provided. I asked and I did receive.

Humans are not perfect. God is not physically here. That is why there is the Body. We are here to encourage each other, love each other, and be there for each other when no one else can. God gave us each other while we are here on earth. Yes, He is always with us, but I know He used my co-workers to give me hugs because He could not right this minute.

God is faithful. I assure you of this. I know every single day that He gives me what I need. Thank you for being my perfect Father.

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