Monday, March 24, 2008

Weigh in ending week 9

Weight loss this week 2.6 lbs.
Total loss 26 lbs.

If I lose one more pound, I will hit my 10 percent weight loss goal.

Mamma wants an ipod baby! Too bad I can't afford one.

Maybe if I start saving now, then when I get down to the next 10 percent it can be my reward.


cestmoi19 said...

Yay! You are awesome! Don't you have one of those good ol' "Discmans". Those handy things you slide CD's into? hee hee hee

Ipods are nice. Mike has a nano and it's great because he also got a sound deck for it. It's our "stereo". He won a Toshiba MP3 player and gave that to me, I use it when I go run. That works just as well. Think about it, I'm not sure if it's cheaper or not, but it doesn't have to be an "Ipod" to work ;)

Snaggle Tooth said...

Good work! Alot of matching numbers there...

I don't have the musical gadgets yet either!

Sounds like after reaching such a grand goal- you'll deserve a grand reward-