Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Better Late than Never

Weigh in was good.

Down 4.2 lbs.

Total loss 23.6

No, I don't have photos yet... I am only5-10 lbs below my wedding weight, so you might not notice yet. Might take some when I hit my 10 percent goal (which is soon!) Or, I might have to go to my 12 week mark, or just never... ha ha ha....

I will eventually, but not yet. I am using the photos from Mom's memorial for my before... Man oh man are they bad. I am still in my regular size clothes, but not tight, they are a little loose.

When you have a lot to lose, you would be amazed how hard it is to change sizes.

I think I might do my measurements soon to see how far THAT has come...


Snaggle Tooth said...

Congrats on the good work for the week!

jason said...

that's awesome, way to go!