Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Weigh IN.... and travelling and pants

Last weigh in weight: 238.5
Today's weight: 242.7
Total weight lost: 34.9 lbs.
Weight to lose to mini-goal: 17.7

This is what happens when you go to Burger King, McDonalds, or Sonic every day.
Also you spend a lot of time on your butt in a car or plane.
Also your Aunt Flo is in town and she is not in a very good mood. She brought a lot of baggage with her.

Celebrating this week: I went to the Old Navy jean sale on Saturday. Jeans were 12 bucks for adults. The largest size they have is a 20. I fit in them! Too bad they don't make my butt look like that<----- The great news is that I can finally shop at Old Navy and have Old Navy jeans. This has been a lifelong dream of mine, odd but true. See I have always had to shop in the Men's section, and now I don't have to, except for my husband, and now I can buy pants (for me!). Hopefully, my old pants will travel to someone who really needs them, as I will be donating them. I have a lot of reflections for the week, but it requires a separate post.

1 comment:

cestmoi19 said...

Old Navy jeans are sweet!!

Last week's weight: 165lbs.
This week's weight: 164lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 29lbs.

Getting to that 30 pounds lost mark one pound at a time :)
Size 12's are great!

Thinking about you to get back on track this week! Love you Shell!