Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Weigh-IN

Think of a lapse as if you broke a plate of your best china; Would you go and break all the rest of your dishes or do you just mourn the loss of your broken plate and move on? from

Okay, so I had a tough week!

Last weigh in weight: 244.5
Today's weight: 245.6 (gain 1.1 lbs)
Total weight loss: 32
Weight to lose till next mini-goal: 20.6

I have to "thank" my "Aunt Flo" for her contributions to my cravings, and McDonald's for their ice cream cones only being 1 buck.

But, I have to move on, and I am beginning to track points again today, asking my husband to hold me accountable at the end of the day that I did it.

The worst part is when someone congratulated me in front of others for the good choices I was making when I knew I made some bad, bad choices this week. Example: Wendy's Double with Cheese. I never, and I mean never order double cheeseburgers from Wendy's! I know that alone was the one pound I gained.

Good news, I didn't slip far and today is a new day. I need to take this one day at a time.


cestmoi19 said...

So, it must be one of those weeks. Here's my stats:

Last weigh in: 173lbs.
Today's Weight: 175 lbs.
Total weight loss 18 lbs.

I'm in the same state, THANKS "AUNT FLO"!

But, on the upside, I ran or did Pilates every day last week and took a walk with Mike yesterday after dinner. So hooray for exercise! This week will be better. However, my birthday may spoil it all on Saturday!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Ya, when I eat something high in calories, I make myself do more excercise to burn it off- that day. You'll splurge less often that way-

I bet Auntie knows her goodies! My mom used to do me in every meal- especially with the deserts like strawberry shortcake n whipped cream... Godd thing they make the stuff low-cal/low-sugar now!

Skye said...

I think what did me in was the milshake from MacDonald's.:)

Shelley said...

milkshake... mmmmm