Friday, June 20, 2008

the catchup blog, no catsup or ketchup involved

My girl Pearl has moved in for a while. I have a hard time with my room just sitting there empty and waiting for it to be filled. Spiderman sheets don't make it super girl friendly, but I am sure she doesn't mind, and the bed is comfy.

Abby is getting used to another person in the house. I think she thinks that Pearl will be like Paul and take her out all of the time. Paul did spoil Abby. In fact just the other day, he came over with McDonald's and she ignored him in lieu of french fries. While he was a bit upset, fries did still go flying in the air for her. Can't believe Abby is 11 years old, she still acts like she is 5. If you don't know, Abby is our Jack Russell Terrier.

Pearl is this really awesome girl from my church. Once I got to talk to her, I found out all of this really cool stuff about her. I just really think she is a neat person, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for her. God has big plans for Paul too!

My good girlfriend out in Virginia had her baby a little over 3 weeks ago. Happily everyone is healthy and the kid is growing fast! I cannot believe how cute he is, just like mom! My girlfriend and I are exactly 6 months apart, and when I found out I was pregnant, she said our babies would be six months apart.... but I guess it was not meant to be.

Some people have asked me if I am still gonna try for another baby. Let's just say I am not rushing out for fertility tests and I am not stopping anything from happening. I am confident that God's timing is best. Besides, I have enough on my plate with the possibility of Dave's son soon enough.

Some people are just beggining to notice that I have lost weight. It only took them 5 months and 35 pounds! Or, they are just beggining to believe it is staying off. Maybe it is because as soon as I could fit into the smaller size scrubs, I did, so my clothes were tighter, but now they are fitting better, so maybe its that. I found some photos of me from the Dells in '04. I don't remember what I weighed there, but I was huge. Knowing that this January I was at my heaviest ever, I wonder how long it will be until I like the way I look in photographs. I can't believe I went to my High School reunion like that! Do I look like that now? Have scales just come off of my eyes for the first time in a long time?

I have a couple women that are just totally stepping up. One is mentoring me, and the other is doing a discipleship partnership with me. It is really awesome getting poured into and encouraged. I never thought I would be where I am today, and where they say I can be going. And I have the opportunity to pass along my legacy because of our structure at CCC, which rocks. I told Di the other day that CCC has given me the opportunity to be all I ever wanted my entire life, and then some. God rocks.

My cousin Ashley is touring Europe. No, not the bad 80s hair band. I am jealous!

And for kicks, I bought my co-worker a Pay-Day bar on payday!


Anonymous said...

ah the baby thing again...

a couple years ago people kept on saying "When are you getting married....when are you getting married."

we got married

Now they ask "When are you having kids..."

just can't satisfy some people can ya.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I don't think you'll ever like yourself in photos until you start turning grey n realize how good-looking you were!
that's how I feel about my pics at your age now!

you'll know you've gone along way when you get there-

Good luck with your visitor.