Sunday, April 27, 2008

I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats

My heart broke last night.

You see last night we went to Global Funny Rescue and I laughed my butt off.
Global Funny Rescue was a benefit for Global Family Rescue which goes into Uganda to change lives. It was a night of laughing, boo-ing, cheering and stand-up. It was a night of improv featuring a few friends of mine and Steve Cochran from WGN, and more folks from my church. It was a night of "speed love offerings," auctioning of a shirt off of a man's back, and a cow-chair auction.

I really needed a laugh. And I laughed really, really hard.

But God broke my heart for Africa. See, never before have I had a feeling of wanting to change anything outside of myself or my world. Then they played this video above and I cried. I have been so tied up in the injustices in my own world, Wheaton, DuPage county, suburban life. Funny little thought ran through my head during "Celebration Generosity" at my church. I asked God to break my heart for Africa. I didn't mean to, it just slipped out. So much of my life has been hardening my heart to the pictures of the kids with bugs in their eyes and swollen tummies. Something was different this time. I cried. Tears ran down my face.

Don't freak out, I am not moving to the jungle. But someday, I don't know when, but someday, I am going with my family for a missions trip to Africa. I am going to see God's majesty and God's grace bigger than I ever have before.

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