Thursday, January 24, 2008

So long Heath Ledger

I was pretty shocked when I heard Tuesday night about Heath Ledger. Not only was he a celebrity who was HOT but he was also a good actor. Heath was too young, and too uncontroversial to die. Seriously, I thought I would hear that Britney Spears croaked first.

My mom passed away at 55. Heath only lasted until 28. I am about to turn 32 on the 8th.

Life is too short to fight with your friends people. Be a blessing to everyone you know, starting with yourself. We all just want to be loved, right?

I will miss Heath. (Don't make fun of me.) Good thing is that he is always available on DVD.

1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

ya, hearing that last week was a big bummer! I have his movie "First Knight" on video. Someone with so much potential, talent, n a good heart to boot-
We never know when...