Tuesday, October 16, 2007

At least the toilet is in.... WHAAAAA?!?!?

Remodeling is fun... NOT!

Yesterday the windows got put in. It rained last night. Good thing it didn't rain sideways, because the windows were not caulked! Its all good.

I told the guy I wanted an elongated bowl, and bought an elongated toilet seat, but for some reason, the one he put on the cart was round. And so the story goes... its what I get for not checking on it.

Here is a tip for leaving your home. Empty your fridge before you go. Mine is still recovering from smelling like a corpse. I should know, I have worked at the morgue. Seriously.

Hopefully we can start moving in this weekend... yeah! Everything looks great, its a whole new home. I can't wait!


Snaggle Tooth said...

Don't flush!

Congrats on the almost to the moving back in point! I know it's been a longgggg haul-

Neo said...

Flush the kitty, flush the kitty!!!