Wednesday, December 6, 2006

One month to go... the final countdown

Yesterday, Dave and I got together with Troy McMahon. Troy is the pastor who will be officiating our wedding ceremony. We went over the ceremony details and Troy even had Dave practice repeating the vows after him. I got "mushy," as Troy called it, hearing Dave speak those words. This is the part where I thank God for waterproof mascara. After all, the photos happen after the ceremony. We also realized we need more music that I thought, and promptly notified our keyboard player. I also called Becky who will be doing a reading from the Bible for us. I kind of decided on this pretty much last minute, which is why I only asked her yesterday. Megan will also be singing a song, which she wrote. I am super excited about that.

I guess the way I will try not to be too "mushy" at my wedding is by thinking of Troy as Buzz Lightyear, Stretch Armstrong, a teddy bear, or He-Man thanks to his wife Janet and her blog entry about Troy being a toy. That is much better than picturing my guests in their underwear.

Now comes the part where all the details come out. The last 30 days of planning are here. Where does this go, who sits where, which song plays when. Have the dresses come in? Will they fit? Will all the groomsmen get tuxes, and in time? Will my dress fit? Will I be able to get everything done in time? Will I have enough money for Christmas and the last wedding details? Will I forget something?

The important part is that Dave and I both show up, oh and Troy. We are making vows before God, before friends and family, to love, honor and cherish each other. Yet I know we only do this once, and we want to do it right. We have the licence, Troy could have made it official yesterday! But we are gonna do something right for once in our lives. I know we are blessed by God, and we want nothing more than to be able to bless others with our wedding, our love, our faith.

Thank you to Troy for being such an important part of our lives.

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