Saturday, December 16, 2006


I just totally dig the expression on this rabbit here. Pretty desperate rabbit to lug out the hair dryer, er hare dryer. It doesn't look like that here though. Snow has melted. Every once and a while you come upon a black lump of ick that used to be snow. The only snowmen out now are the inflatable kind. So is global warming finally rearing its ugly head? Are we doomed for a horrible ice storm or blizzard later this winter? Well, only God knows. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in what the weather is going to be like. Maybe its because mom used to be paranoid about bad weather. Maybe it is because it is the only thing out of my control. I keep thinking and wondering what the weather will be like for my wedding. I worry about the safety and travel of my guests and participants as well as what the day will look like. It is out of my control, and I realize that. So, why can't I let it go?

It is an important day. I know that my wedding happens only once in a lifetime. I cannot control the weather. I cannot control much of anything past what I have planned. What I want more than anything is something huge and overwhelming. Something I totally have very little control over. I want God to use this opportunity to show his love to people whose hearts are still hard. I want God to melt hearts at my wedding. Not for me and Dave, but for God. Is that ambitious? We are supposed to be lanterns, beacons of light for Him. I just pray that God is known at our wedding, and that our marriage brings his light to many others.

It won't happen overnight. Took nearly 30 years to melt my heart totally. Now I am all for him. Mold me God, shape me to your will. Let me be a light for you. If not a giant one, than just a tiny beam. I want the world to understand what it means to be resurrected. Jesus has brought me back from the dead, and he can do it for you. He can heal you. Let him. Jesus loves you.

Ok, cheese factor of 10 for this post. I apologize, but I am in love...

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