Thursday, April 15, 2010

Losing your job can be good

Yesterday was a den meeting for Jeramy's cub scouts.  I thank God for people who can put up with 8 rambunctious 8 year old boys.  I helped to keep them in line, I admit.  I am an authoritarian mom, and don't like it when they run all over the place.  Especially near a busy street corner.  On the way back, one of the moms struck up a conversation with me.  She re-introduced herself as horrible with names.  I of course am the same way, so we automatically have two things in common, scout mom and bad with names.  She mentioned she has only really seen my husband this whole time at the scout outings.  I told her that I recently lost my job, and I worked the evening shift.

Her response "That's great! Now you can be a part of these things!" I wonder if she was longing for a younger mom to hang out with or just realized how awesome it is when you can be involved in your kids activities.  "It's just the right time of year, too.  As the weather just keeps getting better."  FINALLY my heart celebrated.  Yes, someone who didn't feel sorry for me, but who felt excited for me!  I instantly liked her tons more. 

I brought this up to my husband, while we were driving alone (Jeramy wanted to ride with the other boys) and he agreed.  He told me that since I lost my job, things were tight, and we had a different set of problems, but I was a whole lot less stressed out.  I totally agreed.

Now I am settled into somewhat of a routine, its time to mix it up again.  Actually add some things that are productive and not time wasting.  Goals: service, study, spewing.  (I had to make it 3 Ss.) Service will be where I help out, either around here or with my aunt who could use a young person around the house.  Study is spending time with God, reading the Bible and self-improvement.  Spewing is writing.  I want  to start working on what my book might be, maybe just start spewing and run with it.  Of course I need to put in a few applications every week, I think finding jobs is the hardest part.  I won't apply for something I wouldn't actually work at, like a city job or a night job.  Also I would like to meet with a school counselor to figure out what it would look like if I went back to college.  Exploring several career tracks...

Help me out, if you will.  What do you think I would be good at doing?

The world is full of possibilities and I am more free than I have been in a long time.

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