Friday, March 20, 2009


"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it."

Since my house fire in '07, I have had many other "fires." In fact, I believe that my first fire was training for the next fires that came.

I had lived at my home for about 5 years without insurance. I finally did it, and I am not saying that it was the insurance that caused the fire, but I am saying that it was God that got on my butt to get the insurance.

My mom had always been my insurance policy. She died and I had to find other ways to do things. I didn't have her to rely on anymore, I had to be an adult. I got married, I got insurance for the condo.

The night of the fire, I got down on my knees, crying. "Why God? Why now? The first thing Job did was praise you, but I don't know how to..." and with that, I realized that I indeed WAS praising God.

Praising God is not saying "things are okay God, I'm fine, thanks." Praising God is being open and honest with Him, going to God with your deepest feelings and needs. Praising God is choosing HIM first. Praising God is seeking His heart.

I have realized that this world is fallen, and God doesn't cause everything that happens in this world. But what he does do, it take it and use it for good.

Everything was happening it seemed all at once, and if I wasn't part of a church family, I don't know where I would be. In fact, its all still happening. Life happens, life goes on. But what I love about my church family is that they love me, pray for me, support me, guide me, call me out, and hug me. They are Jesus in the flesh to me.

In the Bible, you read about "The Refiner's Fire" in which silver is placed so that all of its impurities are burned out of it, so that it shines brightly and reflects the face of the refiner. I think that THAT is what being fireproof is, burning out the impurities in your life. That is what God does, he gets rid of the sin in your life, making you more the way he intended. Leading you into a life that is truly life.

As hard as it is, being put in the fire, I love coming out. Don't stop refining me Lord!


cestmoi19 said...

Hey! Forgot to weigh in last week, but it's good news this week! With all the warm weather, I've been getting outside to exercise and with softball practice, it's added more exercise and less time to snack ;)

Last (last) week: 157 lbs.
This week: 152 lbs.
Mini Goal: 150 lbs.

Holy Cow! I'm so close! Can't get off track now!
Hope you're doing good. I'm coming up to Chicago this weekend, but things are filling up quickly. Already have plans with the fam, Kate, and Jessica (who will be in town for a visit too)

Snaggle Tooth said...

The imagery of the molten silver as a reflecting surface of the refiner's face was very clear in my head. I never thought of fire this way.
The fire of God's love is in our hearts, n where ever we will the flame to decend- that's part of a weekly prayer I say. I always feel the fire in my soul when I say it, too-