Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Well, just so you know, I didn't forget to blog, okay I did.

I did weigh in. The weight was exactly the same, but I did not take time to blog on it. Thanks Tammy for ringing my bell. Just glad I didn't gain!

Most of you who know me know that a huge change is happening in my life and it is getting down to the wire. This is it, no turning back. My stomach is full of butterflies and in knots. I need help cleaning and organizing and getting ready, but mostly I just don't know what to do with myself until then. I work Thursday and Friday, will pay bills and then Saturday I start cleaning. Don't want to, but I am screaming on the inside. Seriously my heart is racing with anticipation.

I keep staring at the rock Beth gave me that says Peace. She gave it to me to remind me that when I lean on the Solid Rock (Jesus) then I will have peace... of course I just remember Troy singing that song... all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.

I found out another friend of mine is also a "New Thing" stalker, as we were both in a chat room at the same time. Well, I joke when I say stalker, but really, we just are excited about what is going on with The Church and believe that New Thing is right in the thick of it. So, we like to follow what is going on and we ended up watching some bonus webcasting. I got to watch DFerg on live webcast from Catalyst '08 in Atlanta, it was sweet. Some pastors were in the room, and I found it funny that plaid and spiked hair was a "must have" for church planters nation wide. Again, why do I love it, because I love what God is doing, and yes, church planting excites me. I would love to be in Atlanta, learning and listening to these great leaders. I wish I could go when Catalyst one day will be at Granger in Indiana, but I just can't justify the expense, time off, or the reason. Will I be involved in a church plant one day? I believe so, but not now. I suppose my heart is just getting ready? Perhaps its a part of the natural leadership progression.

One thing Dave said during the webcast was that he did not know why the culture worked at CCC. I can list at least five reasons. One, you get the chance to be a part of an epic story (building the Kingdom is EPIC). Two, you get opportunities that you would never get in the business world. You don't need a masters degree to be thought worthy of anything. Three, the love of Christ comes with every apprenticeship. Four, if you do it right (that is if you put forth the effort and follow the suggestions,) it is so awesome experience for you, growing closer to God and watching life change, that you want it to happen for as many people as possible, so you just have to apprentice people!

At first I was weary to make friends and then say goodbye, but when I find that it is not about me, its all about Jesus... and as a good friend says you have to lose your life to find it.

Well, I have gone on long enough... let me know if you want to join my stalkers club. Maybe I can get us some t-shirts.


Beth said...

Hey Shelley!

I read on facebook that you had been blogging, so it was a must read!

Wow, I am praying for you and Dave. You are a gifted soul, my dear!

Tomorrow, I will try to post something for the blog about 'Get Out Of The Pit'.


cestmoi19 said...

It's always fun to have T-shirts :)

Ok my weigh in:
Last week: 165 lbs.
This week: 162 lbs.
Total Loss: 31 lbs.

Glad I had the will power enough to lose the 3 pounds I gained the week before. I really do believe that Aunt Flo has a lot to do with that. Anyway, feeling pretty good this week although I haven't really had a chance to workout. I tell myself it's ok this week because I've been subbing in Middle School PE; they definitely keep you busy!
Wedding this weekend and I'm planning on not drinking much because I've found that that packs the pounds on more than those yummy desserts I love so much!
Good job Shelley in not gaining :) Through everything that's going on it's hard to keep on track, but you can do it!!

Shelley said...

Beth, fyi, I have a feeder that twitters it for me... which puts it on facebook.

so many secrets, not really.

YAY tammy!