Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Waiting.... on the world to change


There is a difference between wanting to change the world, and actually doing it. The hard part about actually doing it is that the movements you make are so small in the scheme of things, you really don't feel like you are doing things. But I have found that the biggest world changing moments are in the small things. In the doing of things.

See, I used to not do. I would just wait on my friend to call, wait for the email, wait for whatever. John Lennon said "life is what happens while you are busy making other plans," I say that life is what happens, irregardless if you make plans or sit still. Quit making plans, quit sitting still. Quit hanging out in your "safe zone" and stretch yourself. Life happens, you can choose to be a part of it, or just watch it pass you by. I am choosing to participate. I didn't used to. Life used to happen to me, I didn't live.

So, what do you do to make a difference? How can you change the world? Try smiling. More and more I notice that people don't smile at you, and they don't acknowledge your smile. Do you know how nice it feels when someone smiles at you? It feels good, pass it on, make it contagious. Society wants us to be selfish and angry, so we should be selfless and joyful.

When you turn on a light, all the cockroaches flee. If you want to stay away from the roaches, turn on a light, and watch the world change.


Snaggle Tooth said...

I don't smile much- I've been a grouch! Usually sacasm works for me...

David Edward said...

light, is right.

Hoping His light is shining on you today.
( i am a friend of snaggle tooth)

ZoeyBella said...

You know, right from the start you summed it up pretty well. People expect change without actually doing something about it.