Sunday, February 17, 2008

Waiting for spring

I cannot wait for winter to be over. It is raining today, and I don't want to go out. I hear the wind blowing through the trees and it makes me want to hide in bed all day.

I know today is my day off, and I have things to do, but I don't wanna. I know I will feel better if I do, so I suppose I should not waste the day.

So I should stop blogging then, right?

1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

Is blogging doing nothing?

I can't wait for spring, because my coat got ruined by someone dumping perfume I am alllergic too on it- so I have no coat!

Thank God it's 50 F out right now!
Hope your week is going good so far! If only we could control the weather...