Monday, February 18, 2008

My Celebreality

Something funny happened when I started coming to CCC. All of the sudden I could care less which country Brad and Angelina adopted their baby from. All of the sudden I was interested more in guys like Dave Ferguson and gals like Kirsten Strand.

The first time I noticed this was the summer of '06. We hardly knew anyone at the church, and over the summer, my soon-to-be husband and I played "pastor bingo" trying to see who could spot the pastors first. We got extra points when they were seen in the same place at one time. Then Kirsten moved to East Aurora. I started to invest my heart and prayer in people who were doing things for God. Never mind why Rosie and and the Trump are fighting, has Kirsten sold her house and then how are the boys fitting in at their new school?

This fall, I commented on John Blumberg's blog which ended up being the subject of one of his newsletters. Me, influence a published writer? No way!

One day this winter I found myself having a life discussion with JJ and Dave in the GLC after service thinking this is way better than meeting Bo Jackson!!!
I am also totally blown away by my friendship with Diane that has developed since joining CtheJ.

I have become totally immersed in this new life, this Kindgom Life. I am finding that my dreams are God's dreams and that I am becoming a part of all this and making it happen. That staff blogs are now what I read while my coworkers dive their noses into US Weekly. My day is no longer complete until I read the Bible and talk to God.

It all hit me hard yesterday after a meeting at the Box when Perry Martin came up and introduced himself to me. Perry is the pastor at Yorkville, and therefore wouldn't know me from the other people around. Yet he wanted to know me, my name, who I was, what God was dreaming in my life. I told my husband that it was kinda like Brad Pitt walking up and introducing himself to me.

That is how I feel, and it is crazy silly. It is even crazier that I am posting this blog. Yet I wouldn't trade last night being with Dave, Bill, Eric, Carter, Perry, Pat, or Kathy for the world! No way could Tom Cruise beat Dave Ferguson. Don't worry Jon, he wouldn't beat you either!

1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

Sounds like you're having a great time, with great folks. I'll have to go check out they're stuff when I have some time for it
They're photogenic, too!