Thursday, January 15, 2009

The King (David) and I

First, let me list all the Davids in my life. There is my husband, my husband's father David, David Crowder, Dave Ferguson, David Caruso (CSI Miami's Horatio Caine), my friend David, my uncle David, Dave who plays the drums, David the statue, David Bowie, David Copperfield, David Letterman, The Harry and David Store, David's Bridal, Dave Matthew's Band and David from middle school that I am now Facebook friends with (I have 6 Dave/Davids as friends on Facebook!)

The one that I am finally getting to know is a guy thats been dead for centuries. King David, as in David and Goliath, ancestor of Jesus of Nazareth, that guy. I am reading this awesome study that I got my David for Christmas.

The more I read about his life, the more I identify. Did you know that David basically wandered and hid in the hills and deserts from age 17 to age 30? Seriously, that is what my life felt like. Then at 30, he finally became king, but didnt govern the entire country of Isreal for over 7 years! Could you imagine knowing you were going to be king for that long and nothing happening?

Of course, I didn't really know that God had big plans for my life until I was 30. My life just started at 30. Of course, I was baptized, and started to actually follow Jesus then. Not just go to church at Christmas and talk about how I was going to heaven because I believed, but ACTUALLY persuing to get to know Him and become like Him! (So many people just do, they actually aren't even close to being.)

Then of course Community is doing a series called 2.0 right now, and my small group is studying what it means to actually claim your adoption by God. And it all goes together. Yet David keeps me intrigued. Why? David slew lions and bears (but not tigers, oh my) before he slew the giant. He saw Goliath as just a tall hot head. He trusted in God immensely. He was a man after God's own heart.

But David had his downfall, and God is speaking to me now... don't you mess this up he says.

David had an issue with lust. He had a lot of wives and concubines, and therefore a lot of children. And he was too busy playing king to play daddy. And his children suffered. They were not the best kids. In fact, one of his sons raped his half sister, another raped all of David's wives. And all David did was get mad. His kids were out of control. David had left his wives and concubines to kind of raise themselves, and they needed a strong man in their lives.

I pray now that God will not let me forsake my family. You see, he has told me how great the plans he has for me are. I don't know what they are, but they are going to be more than I ever expected. And God gently reminded me not to screw up. Go after my heart, he says, but don't forget my heart is for you to have a family as well.

And I never thought it possible, yet here I am. Well, its getting late and I want to read some more about David, and keep growing. I want to trust that God is there, working always in my life.

(by the way, I haven't been online much, but for you folks who follow me, know I am reading your blog, just haven't had time to comment, much lest post on my own, but I love you and will be delighting your blogs with comments when I get the chance-love xraychick)


Snaggle Tooth said...

King David did much sinning he had to be forgiven for before he was given the keys to his kingdom on Earth. He had to do a 180- that's what I remember him the most for.
I'm going thru Psalms again myself-

Shelley said...

Gee, and me, someone who never, ever sinned! NOT!

I love his Psalms the best.

ZoeyBella said...

There was a song by Canadian comedy group Kids In The Hall called "These are the Daves I Know." Your post made me think of that. :)