Sunday, January 25, 2009

I've been tagged-- 29 semi random things "About Me"

Several people have tagged me in 16, 21, 25, 1 million, Things about Me...
So, I won't tag you back, too many people that I can't keep straight.
This is so that you get to know me better.

1. I feel like my life just began at 30 when I was baptized at CCC March 19. This March I turn 3.

2. My mom died that summer('06), and her illness and death is probably the best worst thing that has ever happened to me as I have been able to be my own person and I have dug deep and discovered a relationship with my Jesus. Doesn't mean I don't miss her like crazy.

3. I have a very, very hard time remembering names, so if I forget yours, don't take it personally.

4. When I think of myself, I don't picture me as heavy as I really am. Sometimes the mirror reminds me I am fat.

5. I have always had a very hard time making "girlfriends" and an even harder time keeping them.

6. I have experienced two miscarriages this year. One passed natural and I just had a procedure for the last one. I really miss my babies that I never had.

7. There is an ongoing custody case for my husband's son. I know we are going to win, eventually. The process is just long and hard. Sometimes I wish we could just duke it out on the Jerry Springer show because she makes me feel that way.

8. I have one younger sister, and two cousins in particular that I am so close to they are like sisters. It would be awesome if we could all go with my aunt and our husbands to Disney together. (I have never been.)

9. I am the main breadwinner for my home, and fear losing my job because we are one paycheck away from losing it all. Yet, God keeps providing!

10. I seem to tell people too much about myself in hopes that we will somehow bond and be closer, and I wonder if it just leaves me open to scrutiny and to be made fun of but I wouldn't do it any other way.

11. God keeps urging me to tell other women that they are beautiful, yet I have a very hard time accepting it myself.

12. I fight depression everyday.

13. I feel closest to God when I read the Bible, and spend time with people. Being holed up at home keeps me away from both, and thus I go back to #12.

14. It was a combination of bronchitis, knitting, and having lots of sex that helped me to quit smoking. It was Dave for the last part, but it was before we were married! (oh taboo!)

15. I think I might be the only person brave enough to mention sex in her list more than once.

16. My husband and I have a running list for a drinking game to CSI:Miami, yet we don't drink.

17. My husband is my best friend. I am also very close with my sister, cousins and aunt.

18. I was born at the hospital I work at, and I joke that I will likely die there as well.

19. My name is Shelley Marie Egeland, my favorite color is blue, and my quest is to help people find their way back to God.

20. My maiden name was two first names, and I don't mind that most people misspell my name now because they don't call me by my last name anymore.

21. I could have been an all "A" student if I actually did my homework and studied. Yes, I am one of "those" kids. Learning comes easy to me.

22. I love reading.

23. I hate bees with a mad passion. I once hit someone in the nuts accidentally running away from a bee. I also ended up in the ER after running away from a bee and landing my knee smack dab in the middle of a concrete step. Its the only thing I hate about fall.

24. I love my iPod, but I can't fill it up because my computer doesn't have enough memory. It's an old computer. I like podcasts of sermons as well as worship music.

25. If I could wish one thing, it would be that there would no longer be any poverty, and everyone in the whole world would have enough, a place to live, food to eat, clothes and shoes to wear, medicine and healthcare. I also believe its possible, and we don't have to give up much of ourselves to achieve this. Yet we are selfish by nature.

26. I want a Crackberry, but Dave won't let me have one because he thinks I would never be found again.

27. The only "Reality" TV shows I watch are Dog the Bounty Hunter and The Girls Next Door.

28. Psalm 27:4

29. I have never ever been a morning person, and if you see me before noon and I look funny, its because I am tired!


cestmoi19 said...


Don't know if you want to start up again, but I'm still logging my progress through your blog :)

Last Weigh In: 160 lbs.
This Week: 157 lbs.
Total Lost Since March: 36 lbs.
Mini Goal: 150 lbs.

Of course, having the flu last week, aided my weight loss this week. I am now eating healthy again and alternating Pilates & Yoga in my living room :)

So, whether or not you continue, at least you can help keep me accountable ;) Love you!

Shelley said...

I can have a new starting point when I start.
old start was 277.something
weighed in at 256.something today, so you know.
But, that was over a year ago, so i might as well start new when I do. ya think?
I totally should do yoga at home. I guess a cool blue yoga mat is on my birthday wishlist.

cestmoi19 said...

Great Idea! So 20 lbs. lost in 2008 (net). And now, you can start over for 2009!

You have the awesome Yoga DVD, like me, so it's a good idea to get you started :)

I'll keep logging my progress. When you're ready, you can start doing yours too.

Maybe you'll get that mat or a gift card to get one for your bday...keep the fingers crossed!

Snaggle Tooth said...

(You were tagged a couple weeks ago, to post 7 facts about you)

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Coming out of hiding...
Snaggle Tooth said...
Hi there, I've just challenged you to the list "7 facts about yourself" meme. They can be anything you want. It just took me a week to do this cause I think too much, plus I had to work n didn't have much time.

Just thought it would give ya something fun to post on your blog. Plus, I wanna read it! I'll be back soon-
January 8, 2009 10:49:00 PM CST

I could count this but it's alot more than 7!