Monday, May 19, 2008

He's my brother

On Sundays, Dave and I usually get up and go to the 10:10 service at the high school. We woke up at 10 am this Sunday, and Dave suggested we hit the box. See, Dave had set the alarm for pm, not am. I just think God really wanted us to be at the box.

We made it there in time, Leroy was leading worship, and he rocks. We ended up sitting next to his wife, who also rocks. Worship rocked. D Ferg was teaching pastor, and he shared about growing up with his brother, J Ferg (who we saw in the parking lot.) It really got me thinking about my sister, Megan.

Megan and I had a bad relationship once upon a time, and now I think it rocks. Just today we talked on the phone and she prayed for me. Somedays, I pray for her. Always, we pray for each other. I try very hard not to be her rival, but her friend, her ally. I love my sister probably more than anyone else in the world (Dave excluded of course.) Bringing Megan home from the hospital was the very first memory I ever had. I get a lot of pride in how awesome my sister is doing and how beautiful she is. I am proud that she is not only my sister, but now she is also my friend.

So then Dave (Ferguson that is) starts to talk about how Jesus says that he is not ashamed to call us brothers. That we are one big family. Which made me think how I would feel if my sister went up on the cross for me. Jesus is the brother that I love dearly, and he went up on the cross and died for me. And it made me cry.

He was not just some dude, he was, and he is my brother. That rocks.

1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

Because of that scripture I've always thought of Jesus as my brother. My uncle "John" the monk who lives with a bunch of Brothers nailed this idea in my head for me very early on.
Ever hear of the singing Benedictine Monks of Weston Priory Vermont? They are all my brothers, too!