Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My own Reality TV Show!

Yes that's right folks, according to my co-workers, I have been nominated most likely to star in their own reality TV show. I think this is hilarious. You know why? My life IS a reality show.

I look back over the last few years and wanted to share some highlights that probably got me qualified to "win" this title.

~I got stranded in Mexico (lost my ID and couldn't fly)
~My best friend shoved a piece of cake in my face at work (no, I did not laugh)
~I have been known to break into dance at random (especially at shift change)
~Mom's illness/death
~Dad's marriage to her caretaker 4 months after she died
~My engagement of only 3 months
~numerous "work" related dramas (I dare not say more)
~my dryer fire post remodeling
~an current event I cannot post yet

I laugh, I find this all funny, because I have survived! I am alive, and really happy (unlike most reality stars.) I don't care that people see me and my life and laugh, because I laugh. This is the joy of having Christ in your heart. Life is not easy folks, but it is for living and loving and laughing... enjoy! Thanks God!


Anonymous said...

I should point out that I was not that caregiver that her dad married....that was another caregiver. So we aren't that type of reality show.


Snaggle Tooth said...

Ha-ha,hahahahaha! (at above comment)

It sure seems real to you I'm sure!
This seems real to me.

The question is, how much of a show are you putting on there, Have the blinds arrived?

Thanks for the laughs, Creator, indeed!

Shelley said...

Yes, the blinds have finally arrived!