Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Devil invented the Drive-Thru

The devil has a really simple plot- if he can't keep us from God, he can distract us from making the right choices, thus pulling us further away from him.

The devil's job is to make sin look easy.

Look at TV shows and movies- they tell us the norm is to sleep with everyone you work with and their brother.  Have you seen credit card commercials?  With the freedom card you can get that pedicure you've been putting off, then splurge on a pair of shoes to match the pedicure, then ah, what the heck why not get the dress to go with the shoes? And stores- we have drive thru food, pharmacy, coffee, and in some areas drive thru liquor stores.  I still wonder why McDonalds thought that coming out with a more fattening and more expensive burger was a good move, but I don't think they care about our health or wallets.

What is the hard choice; to stay sober or to have another drink?  To give in and gossip or to speak up to stop the cycle?  To take the flirting because it feels good and things have been tense at home lately?  To sit on Facebook all day or study the Bible?  To get your finances in order or spend however you like?  To give in to peer pressure or to leave the room and be ridiculed for not doing whatever it is they are doing?  To laugh along while they make fun of someone or to stop it?  To hit the grocery store and go home to make dinner or to hit the drive thru?

We all face little opportunities in the day in which satan can turn an opportunity to succeed into an opportunity to feel good for a second.  You all know what happens when someone brings food in to work?  We all have to eat it...

Proverbs 16:

 2 Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good;
   God probes for what is good.

25 There's a way that looks harmless enough;
   look again—it leads straight to hell.

Be careful the easy path, like Jesus says in Matthew ch 7:
 13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

So, here's to all of us, that we make the hard choice, the wise choice, and stick to the narrow road.

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