Saturday, March 10, 2007

Normally I don't complain, but...

Yesterday I forgot to load my book back into my bag. I like to have a book to read at work for the downtimes between patients. Also, if I always bring a book, I never have to worry about what to do.

Don't get me wrong, I like to work. I actually enjoy a day at work where I am steady all night and don't have much down time. That is why I need something to do, I go nuts without it.

Yesterday, I went nuts. Fridays always seem to be crazy busy or mostly dead. Guess what happens on a day that I forget my book? I went nuts. Finally I dug out my PDA and played solitaire. That in itself is a frenzy of obsession I do not need. Mindless sorting of cards only seems to make me more insane, but at least I was occupied.

Next time I should at least Sudoku, or find a good pillow.

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