Saturday, July 17, 2010

Not turning back

I am finally giving up an old friend.  Her name was Icanseerightthroughyou.  If I just baffled you, its because that was my screen name.  Back from the old Yahoo days of yore, and I dragged her into  googleland.  But alas, I have given her up for dead.  I am getting rid of the old email address bit by bit I am killing her off, and I am not turning back.

I decided to do that if I didn't get this job I interviewed for.

I had read that employers don't take you seriously with a weird email address.  Also, most folks thought that I was psychic or something.  Some even say "I love that song!" (never heard it).  I am also getting embarrassed when I have to tell others what it is.

Honestly, I will likely transfer to a Wordpress blog since Blogger won't let me transfer the sign in email account.  Be on the lookout for a feed change yet again my friends.

I have really changed in the past 5 years.  People I knew and hung out with 5 years ago don't really know me very well now.  But I am getting to know the real me more and more every day.  I don't have it all anywhere near figured out, but I sure know where I am going... and I am not turning back.

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