I have a friend that I read her blog, we have had only a few conversations, have never hung out, yet for some reason we have a deep love for each other. I made the leap and introduced myself to her a while back, and we have exchanged a few emails. Our hearts are similar. I think we have an understanding that goes beyond basic things. That is the awesomeness of being a part of something bigger than you. That is the awesomeness of being in the body of Christ.
I have a friend that I just met about 3 months ago. By just being me, I have put into her enough that she has called me her role-model. I don't say this to boast, I say this to boast in Christ in me. You see, I am a shy person, and pretty selfish. It's God who makes me reach out and care. She told me she loves me, and it took me a while to accept it. But she said it when I needed it. Today, when she saw me, she cried. She cried because she knew the good news and just got a chance to congratulate me.
I have a friend that I grew up with. She was practically my sister. I used to think that I don't have friends that I grew up with, but I was excluding family. You see, this friend is my cousin. Her and I also have an understanding deeper than words, and its been neat as she has moved away and gotten married just how much our relationship has grown. She has been more encouraging to me by simple email and messages than she knows. I can't wait to see her for Christmas.
I have another friend that is old enough to be my mom. She is more like my role model, it was another woman that I introduced myself to and told her that I thought she was beautiful. She has since poured herself and her heart into me, and it has meant more to me to have someone to look up to, and get feedback, both positive and negative, that I need. Yet I never feel bad about it, she doesn't ever put me down. She has always believed in me.
Probably one of the most endearing friendships is my aunt. I get a bit of satisfaction when looking for a mom, yet she treats me like an adult, something my mom never really did. I can't really describe it, yet she blows my mind every time. And it has been amazing watching her grow and develop. She is very, very, dear to me, more like an older sister than an aunt.
Then there is this friend that is my sister, by blood and faith. There was a period in my life that we did not get along, and I wanted something from her that she could not give me. Things changed. Mom got sick, or sicker, and Megan came down. Something happened in the pain, I grew to know her, I grew to know my mom more, I grew to know Christ. And a relationship was healed. My sister is so dear to me, and I truly enjoy talking with her, praying with her, praying for her. When we get together, its as if no time has passed. I am so proud of her. She has been an inspiration to me. And though we don't always agree on everything, we love each other for our differences. She is awesome, and I can't wait to see what she is going to accomplish.
I also have this one friend, Shelley. You see, I think we became friends because we have the same name, spelled the same way. I haven't seen her in forever until last night. Yet we keep up with each other in an odd sort of way. And watching her grow up is amazing. She is turning into such a fine young woman.
Facebook may seem like stalking sometimes, but I like to check in on my friends. I like to read their blogs, find out what is going on in their lives. I work when most people are home, its hard for me to "hang out." I have also been able to make more friends because I just talk to them online. Its kind of weird.
Three friends I haven't met in person that I enjoy I met by following links and clicks. One is out in Kentucky and involved with the Crossings church (its a New Thing church.) He sent me a t-shirt once because I wanted one. I wore it, photographed it, and blogged it. I think I started following his blog as a link off of someone else's that I don't read anymore, but I can't remember. I hope to visit him and his family with my family one day (and of course visit Crossings.) The other is a lady I met by looking at friends of friends on Twitter. Then you follow their links and find blogs. Then you read the blog, identify, and send a message. BAM, suddenly you are friends on twitter and facebook. We will meet one day soon. The last is a lady out east that works her buns off. She is a delightful writer and photographer, and I truly look forward to her blogs. We have prayed for each other often. One day, I hope to make it out there, but you never know.
One of my best friends I met because she was my mom's friends daughter. We both loved reading and Anne of Green Gables and found out we were born 6 months apart. Suddenly we were kindred spirits and making oaths to be friends "as long as the sun and the moon shall endure." We have been pen-pals for years, until the advent of email. I can count the times I have actually been with her on my hands. She showed up for my wedding, and was probably the best non-bridesmaid bridesmaid a woman could want. The wedding would not have been the same without you girl! She now has a baby boy, and I can't wait to visit her again soon. I know no matter how many years go by, we will always be endeared to each other.
If I didn't mention you, don't take it personally. These are just a few leaves on my friendship tree. Kind of odd stories that my heart chose to share today. There are a ton of other people on my heart right now, some even I don't even know where they live anymore. Know this, I love you dearly and wish the best for you.
I am just so thankfull for all of my friends, old and new, far and near. Sometimes you just need to remember them, and this is one of those times. It fills my soul.
I also have to thank Epic Theatre Company for putting on Let It Be Christmas. It touched my soul in deep, deep places. It reminded me of a time when I had a dream, that "all you need is love." Only to find out that I still have that dream. My mom was cheering you on from heaven!
And cheesy as it is, thanks to Jesus for being my friend.