Last weigh-in weight: 247.4
Today's weight: 247.4
This weeks loss/gain: 0
Total weight lost: 30.3
Weight to lose to mini-goal(240): 7.4
So the whole week I did nothing. Good.
Not so much.
I didn't do a thing.
I didn't exercise, I didn't watch my food.
I didn't journal at all. I didn't connect.
Someone told me they look up to me this week and I felt guilty.
And the sermon on the Holy Spirit just made me think more... about being in a relationship, walking with the Spirit. And I wanted it back.
God, I am not strong enough to do this on my own. Be with me, help me. I know you will, your Word says so. Help me to look to you, to walk with you.
You are constantly moving. What happens when I stand still. What happens when I don't move with you. I miss out.
You have something for me bigger than I can imagine. Help me to stop being a caterpillar. Help me to spread my wings and fly.
I watched my food, but still ended up the same:
Last week: 157 lbs.
This week: 157 lbs.
Total Loss: 36 lbs.
To lose for goal: 4 lbs.
I'll get there; and I'll do it before the holidays. Finally got to run yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks after getting over a cold. So, hopefully, this weather trend will continue and I can keep that up!
Hang in there Shell! He's there with you and so am I. Even when you don't feel it He's there and you know it ;) You don't even have to ask Him and He's there!
Your body might burn off more calories in the colder weather now, too.
It's really unthinkable to let those fans down!
I've had kids tell me that when I was their supervisor, too- They thought I was so brave in the face of a few situations- (Did I mention I'm great in emergencies? I'd just like fewer of those...)
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