God is a relational God. He loves relationships, he created us for it. He sent his son for it. Yet, I am so silly to think that I don't need to have a relationship with X. No, God wants me to have a relationship with X, he wants me to heal that relationship, because that is what he is all about: Reconciliation.
Who am I to think that I know what God wants for me? I don't. I only know who God is, and it just seems that my intentions did not line up with his, and when that happens, God is going to line things up for me to see that, and act on it, and change my heart to line up with his. You see, when my will lines up with God's, I become unstoppable. I reflect his glory, and shine. I am tasty salt, YUM! If I love God, but don't love others, how much does that show that I love God when God loves them and wants me to love them?
Did I just confuse you?
Let me put it this way. If I say that I want to lose weight, but don't exercise and don't eat healthy, I am just talking. But, if I say it and follow it up with actions, it means I truly want it, believe it to be possible.
If I say I love God, but don't do the things that he loves, I am just talking, making a lot of useless noise. See 1 Corinthians 13.
I think the closer I get to God, the more I realize just how much further I need to go. But that's a good thing, don't get me wrong.
There are many types of relationships. How could you possibly know which one God wants you to have with each person. Sometimes a relationship can be one of forgiveness and acceptance, with no expectations of receiving the kind of relationship you may seek from that person in your heart. Sometimes, the other person is not capable of giving or receiving the relationship you have in mind. Sometimes, it is healthier to just let it be, surrender to God, and not push it or try to make it the way you think God has intended. Sometimes, you may have to accept a relationship the way it is...Love you
We are definately deserving of God's love- Of course he knows how hard we try, n how difficult it is for us humans to do the right thing when all society steers us away-
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