1. Its not about me. Its not about Dave, its not about anyone. Anyone but God. Its all about God, and what he is doing, and already has done. I should stop fussing about me, and listen to what God is doing.
2. God is already there, he is working now, ahead of me, he has been there before and to think that he would not be with me is ridiculous. I am not fighting this fight, God is. I am just showing up to be obedient.
3. God has to be enough for me. If I expect anymore than that, I am up for disappointment. It cannot be about the outcome. God has it under control. If I come back empty handed, I will be sad, really sad, but I cannot be mad. I have to be willing to come back empty handed. I have to be willing to lose everything.
Now I know that what I just wrote in number 3 made a few of you go "huh?" Let me elaborate in that life is not about things, and it is especially not about things that I cannot control. People are some of the things that I cannot control. God has a handle on them, I cannot change them. Life is about being connected to God, that just that connection is enough for me. Every good thing that comes out of my life has to flow out of that connection to God or it is useless.
That might have just not made sense to you, but I have an eternal view of life, not a short world view. Life on earth here is just the beginning, the "boot camp" for eternity.
So here I go, I am re-starting the 60-60 challenge. Today, right now. Beeping watch and all.
Interested? Join me.
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