I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back. (Phillipians 3:12-14 The Message)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
David Crowder* Band rocks! They SOOOO take care of their fans! I ordered their new album Remedy off of the website, along with 3 older cds that I did not previously own. Not only did I get what I ordered, I got an awesome guitar pick, three stickers and this sweet tote bag. I had just been looking at bags to tote my C the J stuff in when BAM, one lands in the mailbox! Thanks God!
They also redid their MySpace page to match the whole album. You can go there to check out some of the music from the album.
I finally gave in and have stickers on my car. After all, its just a car.
Oh to have the weekend off... yay me! I can listen to REMEDY (which is awesome by the way.)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Abby update
I never realized how quiet life is without Abby. I was so lonely yesterday when I got up and she wasn't there.
Her vet visit went well, she was a good girl. She now has a shaved spot on her right front leg where they did her IV. Her hips look perfect, but her knee is a bit messed up, soft tissue wise. Doc thinks its her cruciate ligament. Wants us to do consults. We may be able to fix her up without surgery! YAY!
Pray for my doggie's knee to heal, so we don't have to do surgery.
But Shelley, its just a dog! No way! This is Dave and my baby girl. We love her like a daughter. Don't you dare tell me not to love her!
Oh and a praise! The Frontline is working! My dog is no longer a fleabag!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Bad news
Well, I have some bad news to share. Dave and I took Abby to the doctor yesterday. Abby has been limping for about a week, and it is only getting a tiny bit better, not a lot like I would hope. The vet wants to do x-rays to see what is going on with her leg. Her knee and her hip have some swelling. The good news is that we can do it at the same time we clean her teeth (and we got in this week for the special) so that she only has to go under once.
More bad news. My dog has fleas. This also means that the other two dogs have fleas and my cat has fleas, and the house has fleas and the yard has fleas and I just spent a bundle on flea medicine for 4 pets for 3 months. I hope they all die before we move back home. (The fleas, not the pets!) Too bad I can't make money opening up my own flea circus.
So that is hopefully all the bad news I get for the week.
Good news is the floor is mostly installed. I hope we can get er done soon, Dad and Yola come back next week!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Come on lets go...
Have you ever decided on something, and than gotten so anxious you want it right away? Take dogs for example. You ask them "wanna go for a walk?" and you cannot change their minds for the world. Dogs are focused on what they want, and they want it now.
Healing is different from that. Healing takes TIME. This means WAITING and PATIENCE and mostly RELYING ON GOD. Yes, you stay focused on your goal, but you have to be open to experience taking time.
Lets say you break a leg. You go to the hospital and get it cast, but you still have to wait at least 6 weeks for the bone to heal itself before you can remove the cast, and often you need to follow up with physical therapy. Why do we as humans want a quick fix for everything? Have we become too much like dogs, needing to go out RIGHT NOW?
I am hungry, I go to the drive thru. I don't plan ahead a meal, that would be to hard, and take time. Patience for me involves the time it takes to wait for my food at the window, sometimes to drive it home. Heck, sometimes I order something to eat in the car on the way home.
I really need to learn patience, I need to trust that I will heal in God's time, not mine. I trust you God, help me to live that trust that I have for you. Help me to wait, to be quiet.
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Psalm 33:20
We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield
Psalm 37:7
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
Psalm 37:34
Wait for the LORD and keep his way
Psalm 38:15
I wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God.
Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 119:166
I wait for your salvation, O LORD, and I follow your commands.
Psalm 130:5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
Psalm 130:6
My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning
Proverbs 20:22
Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you.
Isaiah 8:17
I will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob. I will put my trust in him.
Isaiah 30:18
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!
Lamentations 3:24
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
Lamentations 3:26
it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.
Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
nothing looks the same in the Light
Something big is about to happen, something huge in my life is about to change. I wish I could find the song on YouTube for you, but its not there. I have been listening to Tree 63 in the car, and this song hit me. Yes, here it is. This is exactly it. (From the album "The Life and Times of Absolute Truth.")
It's the same thing, the same dream every time
You're running in a straight line
Speeding through the light
And you're stronger than you've ever been
In a place you've never seen
And everything is right
And something's calling
Something's haunting you
And you want it - and you want it
It's all about to change Nothing stays the same It's getting closer every single day
It's all about to change
It'll never be the same
Any day now you will start again
And you wake, a stranger to your bed
But science tells your head
That nothing looks the same in the light
And your day's spent looking for the dream
Is it going to come again?
Could anything be so bright?
Hear it calling
All day long
And you want it - and you want it
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My life as a dog part two
I love to play. I love the smell of sunshine and the fresh cut grass. I would rather play than work, but a dog has to earn its supper. I really like fall, because then I can listen to the leaves crunch under my paws. Sometimes I think that a blowing leaf is a mouse, and I want to chase it. It is no fun to play alone. Do you wanna play? I love making friends and playing. We can play tag, or sniff butts, or chase a squirrel!
Too bad I am working this weekend. Oh well, its a dogs life... now where did I put my bone?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Its Friday but Tuesday is coming...
Originally from South Africa, they now live in or near Nashville. If you like it, you can check out podcasts from the band on youtube or itunes. Want a preview of the new album, check out their MySpace page. You can listen to a full length version of the single "Sunday". Then on Tuesday, go buy the album. Seriously, it rocks!
Also out Tuesday is Remedy by David Crowder Band! Tuesday, alleluia, its not so far away...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My pirate name is:
Dirty Ethel Roberts
You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Two things complete your pirate persona: style and swagger. Maybe a little too much swagger sometimes -- but who really cares? Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Diggin around
Luke 13:6-8
'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it."
My (Shelley's) story started out exactly one year ago in Changes that Heal. I was a barren fig tree, but I decided to jump in and dig around and get fertilized...
Last year, I had no friends outside of my family and Dave, I was lonely and hurting. My mom had just passed away, and I was confused why I was still hurting so bad if I had God, why wasn't life better? Why did I cry at the drop of a hat? Why wasn't there an instant fix? This passage really spoke to me. God told me through CtheJ and this passage "Shelley, this is gonna take some hard work, some sh*t (fertilizer), and a whole year, its a long time and process, but lean on me, and watch it happen." I decided to trust in Him, and I dug in. It wasn't easy. But I kept coming back to CtheJ, reading the Bible, and tried to open myself up to some wonderful people. I journaled, I read like crazy.
I would have to say however, the most change came when I made myself vulnerable. When I said "God, I cannot do this, help me" and when I told the group "I need help, I don't know what, but I am gonna ask for it." God of course was awesome and I felt his Grace right away. Also, people were awesome, and came up to me to offer help.
Slowly but surely, I am finally making friends, and look at me, I am bearing fruit! Its slow, but sure. When I look back over the year, it went by a whole lot faster than I thought, praise God! Yes, it was hard work, yes, there was a lot of sh*t,but I made it!
I don't share this story to boast to you all, but to be an encouragement. I want to invite you to meditate on this passage, ask God and ask yourself if you are ready to bear some fruit. Give it a try, and don't be afraid to reach out to others for support.
I wrote this in a newsletter to my group, but thought I would like to share it all with you. I encourage you to read Changes That Heal by Dr Henry Cloud.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The many reasons I love you
You are my best friend. You surprise me with flowers. You support me when I am down. You take care of me when I am sick. You celebrate the good times with me. You hold me when I cry. You understand when I need to pursue my own goals. You understand my needs and goals. You help me fulfill my needs and goals. You are my biggest cheerleader. You tell me when I am off base. You cherish what I cherish. You make me feel special. You make me feel needed. You do the icky jobs I don't like to do. You make me feel smart. You look forward to growing old with me. You enjoy the lows just as much as the highs because we are together. You challenge me. You pray with me. You pray for me. You love me. God put us together.
These are just a few of the reasons, for no reason at all. I love you Dave.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Keep it up folks!
I want to thank those of you who have been praying for me. It is working!
(Especially my good friend Karen, who hasn't read this blog in a while, but she is undergoing surgery today. Right now as I speak. Karen is undergoing a life changing surgery. Pray for her and her doctors and her recovery.)
Your prayers worked and are working with me. I started to feel better yesterday after I asked for prayers. I am not 100% but the horrible course of the cold where it takes over my brain is gone! I am confident that I will be able to return to life at full speed sooner rather than later!
I also want to thank everyone who has been an encouragement to me. By saying that you missed me or thought of me or that I encourage you means so much. I am really trying to step out in life and make some new friends. Praises for that, and praises for another friend whose name also starts with a K who had an outpatient procedure Friday and seems to be doing well. (It was great to see you on Saturday!)
Anyone who can pray for me, I love it! I am praying for all of you too! With all of my love... Shelley
Of course, it goes without saying, but I am going to say it... thank you Jesus...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I am so in trouble...
I am sick! It totally hit me yesterday. How am I going to finish getting ready for the contractor? The condo is totally NOT ready. Maybe if I just go back to bed, this will all go away...
Why do I keep getting sick? Do I need to wear a mask in public? Okay, this time I know it was a certain good friend of mine's cold that I caught, and I wouldn't have missed her. Too bad man, too bad.
I am gonna go lay down now. Pray for me please!
Friday, September 14, 2007
This is rough
I am so not ready for the work to start on the house! I called a national hardware chain to order my stuff, and it all was insanity. Dave had the cell phone, so I had to take one that I don't know how to use, and it was on silent, so I missed every single call. Turns out the credit card got rejected, which is weird because I know I have the money in the account. I am still short one door, which I will have to get, its a 30Left. Also my buddy will have to deliver the trim cuz my pimped out minivan is too small! Also, they don't have all the floor I need. Maybe this is a sign. I am off to the other major chain hardware store to see if they can sell me. I feel like ugh. So much to do, and I might be coming down with Becky's cold.
Update: threw away the original plan and got better floor for less at other store... had to drive to Plainfield, but everyone at MENARDS is so nice, I just have to say thank you! They really do pride themselves on service! Makes me really understand service, because even though they only get paid so much, they really want to serve. It was pretty cool. One guy loaded my 72 boxes on a cart and the other loaded all 72 into the minivan. All with smiles in the last hour of the workday! Totally different from the other store where I felt like I was bothering the guy. Plus, at the Naperville store, I didn't feel like an idiot when the guy explained things to me. The guy on the phone from the other store made me feel stupid. Other than the annoying theme song, Menard's rules!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Change happens
Yesterday went really well, other than the fact that I didn't really get much accomplished on the remodeling front. We did bring the cat over, and she is hiding under the bed. The dogs are still insane, nothing new, and I need to mow the lawn.
I want to thank God for bringing some people into my life yesterday, and I hope that some new friendships will blossom. I also hope some great things happen. I can see it... change may suck, but oh is it gonna be good when we get to the other side. I keep telling myself that anyway about my remodeling.
Ok, gots to go do something I haven't done in a long, long time. Mow the yard!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Chaos ensues
Well, we are moving into what Dave has termed "base camp" for the duration of the remodel. Three dogs that go insane when the mailman comes. Okay, one dog doesn't go insane anymore, she is too old now so she just sits by my side so I step on her when I get up. I cannot wait until we bring the cat.
Of all of them, mine is the worst.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Not too long ago, I got one of these emails that is a forward of a forward, and usually when I forward it, it comes out blank, so I can't forward it. So, in lieu of that, I steal the images for my blog. this one is so fitting of me right now. I am on the edge of the precipice, I need to begin, and I need to find the thing that is going to push me over the edge. I would be unstoppable.
What do you need? How can I help? I don't know... I just need to get going, and once I do that, I don't want to stop. I am afraid to start, I will be late to work again. I have been consistently late to work recently, and I want to stop that! It is just not right to do that to my coworkers, and I am afraid of losing my raise and/or bonus and/or job. Its going to stop. Or is it? I want to be unstoppable in a good way, not in a bad way.
I have always been a late person, late to school, late to work, meetings, appointments. I want that to stop. I want to start being on time. Help me God, because this is something I cannot do on my own, if I could it would not be an issue!
I am late to moving out of the condo, good thing the contractor is not starting today! Better get going... I can be unstoppab
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Its all happening....
Welcome to a world with 3 dogs and one cat. Welcome to a world where I have to move from my condo to a house for one month. Welcome to a world where what was timid and afraid now becomes bold and unafraid. Welcome to a world where everything is going to be completely different than it was before. And I like it.
Its all happening...
And its all because of Jesus, all for His Glory!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
He feeds me
Every so often I feel empty. When this happens, I realize that my balance is off. I have too much input from the world, and not enough from God. I ask God to feed me, to fill me up, to help me because I cannot handle it myself.
One of the ways I get filled is by reading the Bible. When I read last night, it was so that I could calm down and go to sleep. Man did that work, I was out like a light (thanks Deuteronomy!)
God is about to send his people into the promised land, and he goes over all of the rules with them, even teaches them a song to help them remember. This is a really long song. He tells Moses that he is going to die, and he tells Moses that not too long after that, the people will stray from God. Not to make it Moses's fault for dying, but because that is the way that people are. God knows, he always knows that we will stray from him. Man does that break my heart, but man is that true. How many times have I turned my back on what I know to be right? Daily! I am a sinner! God knows we are all sinners! That is why we need Jesus. Romans 5:8 "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners."
God shows me love, feeds me, not just through the Bible, but through others. Sometimes it is people in person, talking and doing things. Sometimes it is through blogs, I have a group of people I pray for that are planting a church in Kansas City, MO. When I read their blogs, I am filled with love for them and for all their struggles and accomplishments. Even when they seem hopeless, I am filled with hope for them. I know that God is making a way for each of them in His own way, even when they don't see it.
God, you are so awesome! Thank your for feeding me! Please help all of those that I am praying for to feel you feeding them, leading them, comforting them. Help them feel your peace and know that it will be alright. Give them the strength to make it through trials and endure all of the changes they must face. You are faithful, you are sovereign. Thank you for your forgiveness, and help me to be as forgiving to others as you have been to me. Continue to show your bounty, and help us all make it through each day. I just love you God, help others to feel how awesome your love is. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Going into hiding from my house
Friday. Friday I finally get to sign the contract. When will work begin? I have to start caring for Dad's house Sunday or Monday. We will be (paying someone else to be) ripping out the carpet, putting in laminate floors. Installing new windows (2) and a new patio door. Also, new interior doors should be coming in. The bathroom is a near complete remodel with a new toilet, faucet, light fixture and exhaust fan, new ceiling and tile surround for the bath. Painting of the whole joint needs to be done before we can move back in, and that is a different guy all together. Kitchen is being postponed to determine how much we can do, because if we can, I want new cabinets as well as a new counter and sink and faucet and disposal and oven/stove whateveryoucallit.
While we are living at Dad's, we have to care for the house and flowers, a grand total of 3 dogs and 1 cat, still come and get mail at the condo and also try hard not to go insane. I must be nuts trying to do this without time off. Hopefully there won't be much supervising involved. I have too much life to live.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Thanks God
I feel really good about yesterday! We got lots and lots done! People were wonderful, I could not have done it all without you. We still have lots to do before the work starts, but I have gotten over that initial hump. Thanks again everybody! Bob, Tom, Tricia, Ralph, Hector and Michelle... you guys rock!
Today I meet with my leaders that I will be apprenticing under. I am really excited about what God is going to be doing with me and us. Celebrate the Journey is just so awesome, and I pray that it really helps people the way it has really helped me. We will be doing a book called Changes that Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud. Its the first book I did coming to CtheJ, but this time it will be better, I am gonna grow sooooo much!
Thanks, God!
Monday, September 3, 2007
I have made myself vulnerable. I invited friends to help me at my home. Will they still like me when they see my mess? Will they understand that I am clueless? Will it all work out okay?
God, help me not feel like a fool. Help me to be strong and accept love and help. This is hard for me. I step forward in my faith in you. Lead me.