Every so often I feel empty. When this happens, I realize that my balance is off. I have too much input from the world, and not enough from God. I ask God to feed me, to fill me up, to help me because I cannot handle it myself.
One of the ways I get filled is by reading the Bible. When I read last night, it was so that I could calm down and go to sleep. Man did that work, I was out like a light (thanks Deuteronomy!)
God is about to send his people into the promised land, and he goes over all of the rules with them, even teaches them a song to help them remember. This is a really long song. He tells Moses that he is going to die, and he tells Moses that not too long after that, the people will stray from God. Not to make it Moses's fault for dying, but because that is the way that people are. God knows, he always knows that we will stray from him. Man does that break my heart, but man is that true. How many times have I turned my back on what I know to be right? Daily! I am a sinner! God knows we are all sinners! That is why we need Jesus. Romans 5:8 "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners."
God shows me love, feeds me, not just through the Bible, but through others. Sometimes it is people in person, talking and doing things. Sometimes it is through blogs, I have a group of people I pray for that are planting a church in Kansas City, MO. When I read their blogs, I am filled with love for them and for all their struggles and accomplishments. Even when they seem hopeless, I am filled with hope for them. I know that God is making a way for each of them in His own way, even when they don't see it.
God, you are so awesome! Thank your for feeding me! Please help all of those that I am praying for to feel you feeding them, leading them, comforting them. Help them feel your peace and know that it will be alright. Give them the strength to make it through trials and endure all of the changes they must face. You are faithful, you are sovereign. Thank you for your forgiveness, and help me to be as forgiving to others as you have been to me. Continue to show your bounty, and help us all make it through each day. I just love you God, help others to feel how awesome your love is. In Jesus' name, Amen.
XRC - I think the chorus of this song would go quite fitting with your post.
- Neo
Finally watched it... thanks! That was a neat song.
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