Not too long ago, I got one of these emails that is a forward of a forward, and usually when I forward it, it comes out blank, so I can't forward it. So, in lieu of that, I steal the images for my blog. this one is so fitting of me right now. I am on the edge of the precipice, I need to begin, and I need to find the thing that is going to push me over the edge. I would be unstoppable.
What do you need? How can I help? I don't know... I just need to get going, and once I do that, I don't want to stop. I am afraid to start, I will be late to work again. I have been consistently late to work recently, and I want to stop that! It is just not right to do that to my coworkers, and I am afraid of losing my raise and/or bonus and/or job. Its going to stop. Or is it? I want to be unstoppable in a good way, not in a bad way.
I have always been a late person, late to school, late to work, meetings, appointments. I want that to stop. I want to start being on time. Help me God, because this is something I cannot do on my own, if I could it would not be an issue!
I am late to moving out of the condo, good thing the contractor is not starting today! Better get going... I can be unstoppab
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