You are my best friend. You surprise me with flowers. You support me when I am down. You take care of me when I am sick. You celebrate the good times with me. You hold me when I cry. You understand when I need to pursue my own goals. You understand my needs and goals. You help me fulfill my needs and goals. You are my biggest cheerleader. You tell me when I am off base. You cherish what I cherish. You make me feel special. You make me feel needed. You do the icky jobs I don't like to do. You make me feel smart. You look forward to growing old with me. You enjoy the lows just as much as the highs because we are together. You challenge me. You pray with me. You pray for me. You love me. God put us together.
These are just a few of the reasons, for no reason at all. I love you Dave.
wow thank you, I love you much too.
Those are the cutest pooches too.
What an awesome love letter! ;)
Ok x-ray chick which of the cute white fur balls is Dave? The one with the paw in the others nose or the other one pinned to the ground?
Awww - so cute!! (And I do mean you and Dave although the puppies are also quite adorable!!)
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