In America, Thanksgiving has become a holiday of celebrating our blessings by getting together with family and friends and then spend like a freak the next day. Its the official start of the Christmas (aka spending) season. Its a time when many folks gather in front of a tube to watch men tackle each other all day. Often, indulgence wins on this holiday, and holiday cheer turns into one too many beers. Leftovers become a challenge as to who can eat the most and make the most creative recipes. In all of this craziness, did you ever stop to wonder what this holiday is all about? Did you know that the word holiday came from "Holy Day" and that this day of indulgence was actually meant to be a Holy Day of reflection and celebration, giving thanks to God?
Thanksgiving occurred after the harvest, at a time when things were bountiful, and there was much to celebrate. It also helps to put on a winter layer of fat. It was a time to gather with your clan and give thanks to God. Now with all celebrations in the Bible, a special offering is given. This is the above and beyond your normal sacrificial giving, or above the tithe. It is given to the church, or should I say Church, and was used to glorify God and build up His Body.
Now if you watch Martha Stewart, you might come to the conclusion that it is used to glorify you and your home. Hosting a Thanksgiving is like boasting in your ability to provide, and showing your wealth off to your family. Why not go out and get a new couch before the family comes, because you wouldn't want them to ridicule the 5 year old one you have with that one stain from the juice your toddler spilled on it?
If you really want to honor God, do something different. Invite not just your family, but friends who have no place to go. The single mom from work who seems lonely, the nice guy who serves coffee and remembers your name, that one checker at the grocery store who won't crack a smile, but always remembers you, the recently divorced guy at the gym, those are the people that need to know they are loved. If your family judges your couch, they obviously don't care about you, and who you are. They obviously are not there to honor God and give thanks for how He has provided throughout the year.
The whole commercialization of holidays overall makes me sick.
If you don't give thanks to God, who do you give thanks to? If you only give thanks to God on Thanksgiving and when you just survived something horrible, why? Why not give thanks to God every day? Do you realize that God loves you just the way you are and wants so much more happiness and fulfillment for you? Do you realize that Jesus would have still been beaten and died on the cross if it was only for you? Do you realize that Jesus overcame death? Do you realize that it is because of Jesus you can have a relationship with God, an intimate relationship?
Thanks God, I wouldn't be where I am today without you. My shelter from the storm, my solid rock, my Redeemer, my Friend, my Lord, my God I love you.