Thursday, May 3 is the National Day of Prayer. That is this Thursday for those of you not in front of a calendar or those of you just waking up from a coma. My church put a flyer out with 3 days of prayer, and I decided to make it a whole week.
Monday, today, will be simple. Today I will pray for a prayerful attitude. To come from a position of humility to my Creator so that my prayer will be powerful to me, not just so I can speak to God, but so that I can listen to Him. I will try to resume my journal, its a great way to pray for me.
Today I will pray that all of my barriers to God be brought into the light, so that God can heal them. I will also pray that work is not a barrier, as sometimes it can stress me out and separate me from my focus.
Keeping it simple, today I just pray for openness to God. I pray for him to bring me into a position for prayer. It has been on my mind for some powerful praying, so this is my focus for the week, powerful prayer to build up my relationship with God.
That is why Jesus died for us on the cross, so we can be close to God.
I challenge you this week to pray every day. Spend some time with God. Tell me how it goes. Today, just pray to be open to Him.