Special Easter wishes to everyone!
Easter is not about jelly beans and eggs, or cute little bunnies. Easter is about RESURRECTION and so all the cute toys and candies reflect that with new life symbols.
We celebrate because when Jesus died on the cross, it did not end there. He rose again. We have a chance at that new life through Him! If we accept Jesus as our Lord, we can partake of that resurrection power as well. Through baptism, we die to sins with Jesus, and are born a new. I felt that power in my baptism, and I wish I could explain it to you in words. We do not have to let death and sin lead our lives, but we can choose to follow Him, and have eternal life.
I wish I could explain it to you, my feelings. I will say this: before I truly let Christ lead my life, I was dead and dying. Now I am alive, and more happy, more powerful, more me than I ever was before.
If you haven't died yet, you haven't truly lived.
"I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!" Philippians 3:10-11
This power is available to you, right now. Don't let life pass you by!
Heavenly Father, I admit that I am powerless to sin, I have screwed up so bad in my life. Please forgive me. Right now I choose to turn away from those things that have brought me closer to death. Right now I choose to stop letting sin run my life. Instead, I choose to follow and obey your Son, Jesus Christ. He died on the cross to free me from my sins. I thank you that He died for my sins so I do not have to. I ask that you lead me to experience the resurrection from death through your Son, so I can lead a life where I am forgiven and free. I thank you for this opportunity, and I ask that the Holy Spirit come into my life to guide me and be with me forever. I choose life, I choose to be free, through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
If you wanted to pray this prayer, but were scared, or if you have questions, please e-mail me. If you did pray this prayer, please e-mail me, I want to celebrate with you. If you want to remain anonymous, post a comment and write that you don't want it public, I have to approve all posts before they go online.
icanseerightthroughyou@yahoo.com and use the subject EASTER. Have a great day, and be blessed!
XRC - I tried to get baptized once. Long story. Let's just say the pastor didn't want to do it at the river like I'd wanted.
What's the difference, that's how Jesus did it right?
Gotta love churches. I'll pass on their bathtub until someone will real faith realizes truth.
- Neo
I am sorry that the poor pastor couldn't look past his rules to see your passion and faith.
There are churches that will baptize you in a river, a lake, a pond, a waterfall...
keep looking, and don't give up. If I lived in Philly, I would come baptize you in the river! (You don't have to be a pastor to baptize either, just a baptized, practicing believer!)
Don't give up, keep on trying. Not all people have thick skulls.
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