For those of you wondering what crazy things have changed, I thought I would update you.
1. We got a "new to us" car. Its actually pretty nice. Dave likes it. Comfy ride that we both like to drive. This means less craziness in Dave having to drive less because he does not have to drop me off, and we can do things separately again. Don't get us wrong, we love being together, but having to get driven to work is hard, on both of us.
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Death and taxes, the two things certain in this life, or so they say. Good thing I did my taxes two months ago. Dave and I spent the tax money on the car down payment and...
7. New glasses for Dave and Shelley. Mine are just readers, but Dave needs to wear his all the time. His are special order because he got the lenses that change into sunglasses outside, so he will get them in two weeks.
8. Megan (my sister) is still dealing with kidney pain. She ended up in the ER and the catscan showed no stones in her ureter and no obstructions. She either passed a stone, or something that doesn't want to show up on CT. I keep praying for her improved health and comfort.
9. Yola got approval for her Green Card. This means that she can travel back to Poland with Dad to visit her family and then come home to Wheaton again. Dad and Yola are happy. I am happy for them. I would love to see Poland (especially the concentration camps and other historical stuff, I am the history buff) but I will not be going overseas anytime soon. I guess I will just have to rely on Dad taking tons of photos.
10. I can't write a list of just nine things, so I needed to have ten. Oh, yeah, Alpha got started again. Dave and I are apprentice leaders now. Pretty neat. This means we can start coming to Leadership Community at CCC. We get to have our names on the big screen and have a new song sung to us. Thats all I know other than its really early in the morning for us.
Well, hope you enjoyed my little updates. Love to all!
Don't worry, I know your father...Photos of Poland will not be a problem :)
Hi Shelley,
Great Blog! Love the animal pi8cs and the links you posted, See you at the J on Tuesday. Let me know what your taking next. I am doing God will make a way.
Hugs Karen
XRC - Geez, a lot of people dying around you. I can imagine there's a ton of sad people at your work. Sorry to hear.
Good to know you guys picked up a car. I depend on mass transit, but I think at some point the company I work for now will want me to drive *cringe*
Hope your weeks going good.
- Neo
We live in the burbs where mass transit is like pulling teeth. Cars are a necessary evil, especially if you work odd hours like we do.
The lady who was sick ended up checking into the ER the first night back because of a fire in the hospital. The fumes irritated her lungs really badly. Keep praying for her please!
XRC - Will do. :)
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