It looks like we will be moving in this week. (Pray, cross your fingers and knock on wood.) Dave will be working on getting the house ready today.
I am still coughing and blowing my nose, but getting better. Slowly but... surely.
Daisy is not doing too well, and she spent a day in the hospital due to low blood sugar and seizures. She is still tired and needs lots of rest. She has not been using her right back leg, which concerns us. Abby is still limping, but not as bad. Rugby and Phoebe are doing well and causing lots of trouble as usual.
My buddy Neo is settled in up in the Great North (Canada) and I posted his link up on the blog again today. Apparently the squirrels eat out of his hands up there.
Dave and I are looking forward to a trip to the circus in early November with our nieces. We miss our little darlings very much, and it should be lots of fun. Hopefully they will have lots of hugs for me, because I have a lot of hugs for them.
I looked out the window this morning, it was sunny... but raining leaves. This is when I thank God that I don't have to rake. :)
XRC - Raining leafs? Better get out there with the cam. I know that's what I'm waiting for up here. :) And yes, I have some really hungry squirrels in my back yard.
Hope your puppy gets better.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
You don't have to rake?
I actually like raking! I grew up with an enormous Beech tree in the backyard, now it's less work. Plus no bagging, I compost now. I'd rather do the raking than go to work anyday- I just hate doing it ubder a deadline!
My squirrels aren't hungry, cause when they "Chur!" outside the window, I toss them goodies.
Get better doggies, so Mummy feels better too! Good luck-n prayers 4u
Puggle or pug?
I own a condo, so I pay hefty association fees not to rake.
The dog is an internet dog. Check him out at http://dailypuppy.com/
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