I love nature. I desire to be walking through the forest, or running through the tall grass, or laying down and looking up at the leaves.
I hate nature. The grass is itchy on my legs, there are bugs! Was that a bee? AH! Oh no, I think I am allergic to everything!
God created everything, and its beautiful. But then the Fall happened, and illness and allergies originated and life became broken. We wander in the land of Nod, east of Eden, sneezing.
Dave says sometimes that he often wonders why God made boogers. I know there is a scientific reason for mucus, but when you can't breathe, you often wonder why a loving God would do this.
This world is a broken world, and we long for the perfect world, the one God originally intended for us. It makes us long for home from deep inside when we realize this.
When I notice God in Nature, I try so hard not to think of the Fall, I try so hard to picture Home. That blinding sun is just a glimpse of what this body trying to look on His face is like. I long for Him, I long to be with Him, my Jesus.
And He is here, I know because He is alive, and He lives in me. That is the power of the Holy Spirit. Its all integrated, but in this world, its still not perfect.
Achoo! God, you are glorious.
Then some body created Loritadan so I can breathe! Yay
The natural world is my fav thing, always when I feel close to the Creator of all this. I tend not to ask why, but say thanks for the sight.
I take two different allergy pills. I only have problems now when I directly inhale fresh stuff.
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