Remodeling is fun... NOT!
Yesterday the windows got put in. It rained last night. Good thing it didn't rain sideways, because the windows were not caulked! Its all good.
I told the guy I wanted an elongated bowl, and bought an elongated toilet seat, but for some reason, the one he put on the cart was round. And so the story goes... its what I get for not checking on it.
Here is a tip for leaving your home. Empty your fridge before you go. Mine is still recovering from smelling like a corpse. I should know, I have worked at the morgue. Seriously.
Hopefully we can start moving in this weekend... yeah! Everything looks great, its a whole new home. I can't wait!
Don't flush!
Congrats on the almost to the moving back in point! I know it's been a longgggg haul-
Flush the kitty, flush the kitty!!!
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