I wonder what my life would have been like if I had a tree house to hang out in. Bart Simpson has one, Jack and Annie have one of the coolest tree houses ever. Why couldn't I have one?
I tried to have a secret place to climb up to. Growing up, we had a little area on the back of the garage that I could climb up and hide. Mom forbid me to do so because she couldn't keep an eye on me there. Later, I ended up studying homework and listening to my Walkman in my closet. (I kid you not.) I even loved climbing the tree in our front yard until the mean guys from the city came and cut off my starter branch. I was in desperate need of a tree house.
I wanted a safe place where I could live a fantasy life, life the way it was supposed to be, where there was no fighting or yelling. Just a place where all of my friends were and we figured it out on our own. I of course didn't have that many friends either.
Tomorrow, The Treehouse starts at Celebrate the Journey. Its a small group for kids in 1st to 6th grade. Its a safe place where they can live life the way it is supposed to be, surrounded by lots of friends. Okay, there is no actual house in a tree, but I wish I had this as a kid. I pray with all my might that kids come out and experience something that I never had.
Cool idea for the kids!
We had a "playhouse" out back under the humoungus Beech tree I used to climb (no tree House) n scared the Heck outa my mom many times.
We always fought about the playhouse (5 kids) had sleep-overs, n all got in trouble in there (hiding, drinking, ect)!
XRC - I did a lot of tree climbing growing up. And I took a nice fall from one about 10 years ago. That one hurt pretty bad. Karma though, that tree got hit by lightening and had to be removed.
Ah sweet Karma! LOL
Good luck!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Keep praying guys! So far so good, but kids always need prayer!
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