Maybe having food poisoning helped, but I have been in a funk. I want to go home. Saturday, I felt a bit like being at home. See, Saturday I went to church.
The folks at CCC have become my family. I really look forward to seeing them all and really getting this unconditional love that is only possible with God. A bunch of cool things happened, but I want to share with you two.
The first is someone I barely know said "I love you" to me. I say that I barely know her because we really haven't hung out, but we know each others souls. I root for her, and she appreciates it. And we have love for each other, sisterly love that is possible because we are vulnerable. Thank you so much, that hug was sooo good! I look forward to talking with you more soon.
The second is that God spoke to me through a friend. We were in service and she was two rows up, gave me a tissue that I really needed. Afterwards she told me that God told her to tell me something... it touched my soul. It answered a question I had been asking.
Let me elaborate. There is this passage in the Bible, in Revelations 2:17: "... To everyone who is victorious I will give some of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven. And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it." This passage has been on my heart, and often I wonder what name will be on my stone. I imagine how it will feel to hold that stone in my hand, feel the smoothness of the pebble and read that name for the first time.
God told my friend to tell me that my name is Captivating.
Me? My name? I am Captivating? Wow.
I was in service twice that night because I was serving, and all throughout the sermon for the second service I kept pondering on that like a school girl with a crush. I have captured the attention of my Lord, and he is fascinated. This I say not to boast, but to boost myself. And it was good.
Thanks God for some great friends who helped to shine some light on a funk, thanks for a great church and a great message about my identity, my "newborne identity." Thanks for your love, thanks for calling me Captivating.
XRC - Sorry to hear you're feeling sick. Get better soon! Stay away from that nasty take out food!
And yes, sometimes God surprises us through other people. I've been having things like that happening since getting up here to Canada.
See you on the flip side.
Peace & Kleenex's!
- Neo
Great friends are always there when you need them. It's comforting to know that :)
Giving love freely can be very important to those we include.
What's weird with me about this post that you don't know is, I collect white quartz rocks from my fav place...
Hmm, Snagg, I wonder if this verse might have been calling you!
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