I have never done this year in review before. I felt prompted to do so because I have had such a phenomenally weird year. I started out on FMLA leave from work to help take care of my mom. This actually began just before Christmas. In fact, we did not think she would make it through Christmas at all. It was a miracle she did. It was God's will.
In January, my dear friend Becky got baptized. This was an incredibly important day in my life for two reasons. First, my friend Becky was saved and changed forever. Secondly because I was called by God. God came over me and filled me with the holy spirit. He told me it was my turn, that he wanted me to be baptized, and to turn towards him, and live my life for him... to start going to church and to share the good news. In February, I bought my Bible that I carry with me today. I returned to work, and started attending Community Christian Church. I was baptized on March 19th.
Spring brought freshness into my life. Dave warmed up and turned towards God himself. We knew we wanted to be married, and made a commitment to each other at that time. It was hard to plan anything with Mom dying. We did grow a lot by taking "A life worth living" study of Phillipians at church. That is where we met our "Alpha" friends.
On June 30, Mom turned 55. She celebrated with a party and had everyone sign her sheets. I gave her new sheets with 600 thread count as a gift, she never got to use them. Her brain was so damaged from lack of oxygen and morphine combined that she became overly paranoid. One night I got a call that she had called 911 and was coming in to the hospital via ambulance. I was so mad at her, she wanted to die at home... In the long run, it ended up for the best. The doctors at the hospital were able to give her IV pain medication. They switched her from Morphine to Dilaudid and it was a miracle. The fog had lifted and the paranoia dissipated.
We were able to say good bye to Mom on July 6th. There was a party in her room with music and food delivered from Winfield House. That day I stayed at the hospital 28 hours. I finally went home after spending the night alone holding Mom. I took the best shower ever taken that day. I think I got an hour or so of sleep before the phone rang. Just enough to fuel my day. Mom passed in peace, she just stopped breathing. Megan called me. Mom waited for me to leave.
July was busy with her memorial and many other things. A friend took me up to Willow Creek in South Barrington for the very first time (see previous post.) I started blogging more in August.
September was full of excitement. Celebrate the Journey started, a support and recovery/small group program at CCC. I joined the Changes that Heal class. (The book is written by Dr. Henry Cloud, I highly recommend it.) I met several wonderful people and made some new friends there. Dad went on vacation with Yola and we had 3 dogs in the house for two weeks. That was chaos. Phoebe started peeing on stuff.
In October, we started volunteering at Brady Elementary reading books to kids. This is through Community 412 at CCC. (You can also read Kirsten's blog for more info.) Alpha started, and Dave volunteered to help, well I did too, but am hardly there due to work. Dave himself started a new job. Also, Dave and I got engaged officially.
In November, I got horribly sick right in time for Dad's wedding. Dave ended up in the ER after the service (it ended up to just be vertigo, thank God!) I also bought my dress, flowers and DJ and did marriage counseling with Dave. Thanksgiving was delicious, and the turkey put me out for an hour on the couch right after dinner.
December started off with beautiful snow and the Alpha retreat on the Holy Spirit. Of course, Christmas and all the assorted fun with that as well. Now I cannot seem to find any snow around.
I am happier, healthier, and all together a better person now than one year ago. I have to give all the credit to one guy: Jesus Christ. If I had not taken him into my heart and accepted him fully as my Lord and Savior, I would be dead. I mean that seriously. My depression had such a hold on me that I would not have been able to handle my mother's death and all that ensued following. If it were not for Jesus, I would be filled with darkness instead of light. Once I was blind, but now I can see. I once cried because of my father and Yola, now I am happy for him, and I see how good she is for him. If you saw me before it was black, and now I am white. All because of Jesus. I know what it is like to be dead, and to live again, I know the Resurrection power. I am a new person.
Here's to 2006, thanks for all the memories and growth. As for 2007, I cannot wait to see the joy in store for me and Dave as we begin our marriage. May God bless all of you this upcoming year.