Yesterday was a great day. Despite my 16 hour work day and 4 hour sleep, I really enjoyed getting up and going to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving.
First of all, props to the Turkey, it was the bestest bird ever. So juicy and tender and delicious! Tammy made this yummy peanut butter sweet potato recipe, which was good if you like peanut buttery stuff. I myself am not a fan, but still enjoyed the potato dish. Also had butternut squash, mashed potatoes, corn, two types of stuffing (both great), biscuits and I just about ate two stomachs worth.
Did you know Mike Ditka makes wine? Well, it was good, and we had a great SNL moment to go along with it.
I also have to give mad props to my sister who has lost like 40 lbs and is looking svelt. I have always thought that my sister was the prettiest ever, and now she just shines. Embarrassing my little sister is what I do best, cuz I love her!
I just had one of the bestest Thanksgivings ever, I have lots to be thankful for. Dave and I had a great night. Thanks so much to my aunt and uncle for hosting, and my cousins and sister for helping cook. And Tottie for being cute.
Now today we go to my dad's for ham. I hope I still can eat! MMMM ham. Yeah, I think I can still eat!
XRC - What a rip! Where's the "free food," man?!?!
Geez, talk about false advertising!
Neo walks off pouting
hmph, as if your name is really Neo... and you live in the Matrix...
There is no spoon....
I didn't watch the Utube thing, I'll just assume it has something to do with football n "Da Bears!" I already saw that SNL way back...
Sounds like a good time-
N sisters are FOR embarrassing!
Ham? Ya, I can be a ham... I'm trying not to eat it any more tho, because it's full of Sodium Nitrate. that's why it tastes so good... like hot dogs n bacon, n other deli-meats.
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