My heart is broken. I live in DuPage County, one of the most affluent counties in Illinois. Yet, we have over 200 homeless people living here. Every night, there are only 140 beds in shelters scattered across the county. Its cold, and its only getting colder.
This Thanksgiving, I was in a warm home, surrounded by dear family and ate more than I could ever want of the world's best turkey.
This Thanksgiving, more than 200 people ate at crisis shelters and it wasn't that good of a turkey, if they ate at all.
Next time you complain about your gas bill, be thankful you have heat.
So many selfish rich people who have so much, so many underprivileged who have so little. When you are out shopping, spending hundreds of dollars getting deals, please be nice to the minimum wage workers who help you out. Remember that they are people too, and its just a job. Minimum wage is a joke, you cannot live off of it.
I watch new homes (mansions really) being built, and my stomach churns.
I am thankful God everyday for all the blessings you have given me.
Hi! What a Great subject. I worry and pray for those less fotunate also.
Thanks Skye.
Its good to remember how fortunate we truly are.
Mercy n understanding for those with less is vitally important to building a healthy character.
I've personally helped homeless people get back to a roof over the head. It's a tough place to be, especially when children are involved. Sometimes letting folks curl-up on the couch n carpet instead of tenting in the snow can be enough to restore their hope.
We're all only one paycheck from disaster...
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