Dear God,
Thank your for saving us from having a total disaster Tuesday night. You kept us safe from a fire that could have destroyed our home, our pets, our lives. But I am confused... why now? Why after we remodeled and painted and moved in do we need to move out into a hotel and start all over again? Please help me to understand.
I know this. Your way is better than I can ever imagine. I need to trust in you. Everything is going to be alright.
Help me to not be so traumatized. Help me God, because I cannot do this without you.
Thank you so much. Thank you for loving me and my family and keeping us safe. Thank you for Jesus, AMEN.
Sometimes nothing makes sense. We sit back and wonder why things happen and why we are being tested. But in the end, most times, everything works out and we come out stronger than before.
Wow, sounds like a close call-
More prayers for you-
I hope you get to return home very soon.
Fire is a monster of the highest caliber...
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